Daily Express

Question Time anger at ‘smug’ Christian

- By Giles Sheldrick

FORMER TV presenter Terry Christian was branded “cocky, smug and not very bright” after appearing on BBC One’s Question Time to slam the Brexit vote.

Christian, best known for hosting of 90s TV show The Word, was even branded “boring” by veteran presenter David Dimbleby for ranting over the result of the EU referendum.

Mr Dimbleby, 79, drew applause from the audience for slapping down Christian who repeatedly clashed with the rest of the panel.

At one point Christian, 54, was told he was behaving “like a 15-year-old” for interrupti­ng Tory minister Claire Perry.

But he ignored boos and jeers from the audience to continuall­y speak over the Energy Minister, saying: “On my ballot paper it didn’t say anything about leaving the single market, leaving the customs union, leaving the ECJ [European Court of Justice]. My ballot paper said Leave or Remain.”

Mr Dimbleby said: “Terry, please don’t interrupt.” And Mrs Perry told him: “You are being really rude, actually.”

Viewers were angered by Christian as he tried to put across his anti-Brexit agenda forcibly.

The Mancunian – once dubbed the “most hated man on television” – repeatedly spoke over shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry, Times columnist Rachel Sylvester and Leave.EU cofounder Richard Tice.

At one stage an obviously annoyed Mr Dimbleby told him: “Okay, let’s stop, stop, stop, stop, stop please.” He added: “It’s getting boring, you’re getting boring,” before chanting “boring, boring”.

Viewer Marcus Stead said on Twitter: “Terry Christian is coming across as cocky, smug and not very bright. ”

The BBC said: “David Dimbleby’s role as the chair of Question Time is to move the debate along so the panel and as many people in the audience are heard. Question Time is editoriall­y independen­t and will continue to choose panel guests that represent a range of viewpoints across the series.”

 ??  ?? Terry Christian on the TV show
Terry Christian on the TV show
 ??  ?? Sneering Christian drew anger
Sneering Christian drew anger

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