Daily Express

Under siege by Remainer mob


the “meaningful vote” in Parliament promised by Theresa May on any EU deal as an opportunit­y to scupper her plans.

Euroscepti­cs point out that the various Remain factions have plenty of cash and highly-motivated young activists. The revelation that the Hungarian-American financier George Soros has plunged £700,000 into groups working to dilute or halt Brexit has intensifie­d those concerns.

So far there is little sign of any serious movement to counter the sabotage efforts. Veteran Brexiteers say some discreet talks have been held between long-standing antiBrusse­ls groups such as the Cam- paign For An Independen­t Britain and Fishing For Leave for a united front to defend the referendum result. Some have talked about launching a campaign under the slogan Respect The Result to combat Remainer propaganda.

But insiders admit there is a lack of funding and enthusiasm at present. Plans for reprising the spectacula­r Brexit flotilla of fishing boats on the Thames that made such an impact during the referendum campaign have been put on hold because of a lack of resources. One experience­d Leave supporter described the mood among activists at present as “dispiritin­g”.

More optimistic Brexiteers point out that their cause has prevailed in the past against the odds. In the run-up to the referendum the Leave side was massively outgunned by Remain forces in terms of finances and the full artillery of the Whitehall propaganda machine yet still won. The danger is that the battle of ideas is about persuading MPs and peers rather than the wider electorate.

Leave supporters cannot surrender in the propaganda air war in the run-up to the Parliament­ary battle this autumn. To ensure the referendum result is delivered they will need to raise the volume to prevent their arguments from being drowned out by the flag-waving, face-painted pro-Brussels angry mob.

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