Daily Express

UK ‘facing chaos at its borders after leaving EU’

- By Alison Little

GOVERNMENT dithering on post-Brexit immigratio­n rules could leave Britain in a “real mess” when we leave the EU, senior MPs have warned.

A lack of clarity on the issue is causing uncertaint­y for immigratio­n authoritie­s, businesses, EU citizens in the UK and their employers, it was claimed.

Over-stretched border control agencies could also struggle with extra workloads and rushed changes, underminin­g national security, the MPs said.

The Commons’ Home Affairs Select Committee claims came after it compiled a report on post-Brexit immigratio­n policy.

The committee’s Labour chairman Yvette Cooper said: “Government drift is putting everyone in an impossible position.

“Decisions and announceme­nts keep being delayed. Crucial details are still lacking.


“Our inquiry found that the immigratio­n and border system is already under-staffed with significan­t problems and it will not cope with last-minute and under-resourced Brexit changes.

“We need urgent clarity about plans for next year so that Parliament can scrutinise them and families, employers and officials can plan. The lack of detail with just over a year to go is irresponsi­ble.

“The Government does not seem to appreciate the immense bureaucrat­ic challenge they are facing or how much time and resources they need to plan on Brexit.

“The Home Office will end up in a real mess next year if there isn’t enough time to sort things out.”

The report, published today, comes after a further delay in the Home Office’s White Paper setting out immigratio­n policy after Brexit Day on March 29 next year. It was due last autumn but may now not appear until the end of this year.

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