Daily Express

Future lies with Commonweal­th and not the EU


THERE are delicate meetings, and then there is this… According to reliable reports, a “high-level” group of Commonweal­th leaders are about to meet to discuss an issue that none of them want to deal with but which all of them recognise they must.

That issue is what happens to the Commonweal­th when the Queen dies. Leadership of the Commonweal­th is not a hereditary position. There is, in fact, no agreed plan for a successor to Her Majesty when one is needed.

It’s more than likely that they will opt to make Prince Charles their leader, when he becomes King. But quite rightly, the Commonweal­th wants to settle the issue in advance rather than be reduced to unseemly rows at a sensitive time.

Quirky as this story might seem, it serves as a reminder that the Commonweal­th is anything but an organisati­on from our past. Post-Brexit, the Commonweal­th will be more relevant and modern than ever.

When we joined the Common Market in 1973, we were in effect telling the 33 then members of the Commonweal­th where they could go.

Instead of treating nations such as India, Tanzania, Singapore, New Zealand and Australia with the respect they deserved as our valued allies, we dumped them in favour of a new European club.

And as the Common Market morphed into the European Union and we operated within the customs union, we increased trade barriers against many of them. This is perhaps not the time to reflect more fully on that betrayal of nations which, in our hour of need, dropped everything to come and save Europe from the Third Reich. We repaid them by deserting them within just three decades.

FOR many years after, the Commonweal­th was treated by the chattering classes as a backwardsl­ooking irrelevanc­e that served almost no useful purpose. Few people paid much attention to it, beyond the occasional political or financial scandal.

But let’s not spend too long on the past. Let’s enter instead into the spirit of Brexit and look to the future. Because the very last word you should use

 ??  ?? MAJESTY: But who will lead Commonweal­th after her?
MAJESTY: But who will lead Commonweal­th after her?
 ??  ??

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