Daily Express

“I can hear my music again”


LIKE many people with hearing loss, Steve Javan faced a unique combinatio­n of hearing issues and he needed an equally unique hearing system to solve them – but unfortunat­ely the NHS couldn’t deliver when he consulted them for help eight years ago.

He recalls: “The NHS did the best they could, but they only give you what they’re allowed to give you pricewise.”

And for Steve, that was a pair of hearing aids which proved ineffectiv­e, particular­ly in his weaker left ear.

Eventually he booked a free hearing test at Amplifon.

An Amplifon hearing test takes an hour and 20 minutes and includes a comprehens­ive health history, thorough examinatio­n of the ears and a series of tests which not only map the sounds and frequencie­s you can hear, but also mimic real-life scenarios to identify the impact any hearing loss is having on everyday life.

Steve says: “My audiologis­t identified the problems I had without me having to tell him. Of the hearing aids I’d had in the past, he said one of them had been doing nothing because I had hardly any hearing in that ear. That’s when he explained I could use a cross-over system.”

This ingenious technology uses two aids which work in different ways. The hearing aid in Steve’s right ear transmits sound to the aid in his left ear, which acts as a speaker.

Less conspicuou­s than his NHS aids, music fan Steve says: “There was a huge difference straight away. It was superb.

“I can pick up the sounds a lot more… I can also wear headphones now, which I couldn’t before.”

Steve took up Amplifon’s offer to trial his aids for a month before buying.

And when he needed a few tweaks in the first few weeks of use, while staying in the US, a local Amplifon branch there was able to make all the adjustment­s he needed.

He adds: “Amplifon provide a fantastic service, so to me it’s worth the extra money. I would say to people, ‘Don’t be afraid to go, because it has changed my life’.”

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