Daily Express

Corbyn’s dealings with spies must not be laughed off


THE hard-Left has always had a soft spot for the old Soviet Union and it’s no surprise that Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and his fellow Marxists should have been consorting with just the sort of people that wanted to do this country down during the Cold War. Three times Corbyn met a Czech diplomat in 1987 who was also a Communist spy and gave him the codename COB.

Labour Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry laughed off these accusation­s over the weekend but the fact is that Corbyn and fellow hardLeft Labour MPs were in thrall to the corrupt, murderous Communist regime. As the world stood on the edge of nuclear confrontat­ion, hardline Lefties would do anything to stick it to then prime minister Thatcher. That is no laughing matter and reveals a political darkness at the heart of these politician­s who seek to run our country.

They should treat the matter with the seriousnes­s it deserves and apologise for their potentiall­y traitorous liaisons with Czech spies in the 1980s. Or maybe they feel they’ve done nothing wrong as deep down they still hanker for authoritar­ian Left-wing regimes that trample over freedom.

BUT let us not forget that while Corbyn, John McDonnell and Ken Livingston­e were allegedly chatting to Czech “diplomats”, Vaclav Havel and fellow brave Czech dissidents were either in prison or under surveillan­ce by brutal secret police.

I remember visiting Prague in 1989 and staying with a family that had lived under Communist oppression for years. Depressed and beaten down by decades of Communist corruption they took little comfort from East Germans using their country to escape to the West.

They believed it would take years for their hell to end but in a matter of months the Berlin Wall had crumbled and Vaclav Havel emerged from house arrest to become their first freely elected president.

The end of the Cold War was no thanks to Corbyn and his Marxist acolytes but down to the steely defiance of Thatcher and US president Ronald Reagan who called the bluff of the Soviet Union and their

 ??  ?? DELUDED: Jeremy Corbyn is still in thrall to Marxism
DELUDED: Jeremy Corbyn is still in thrall to Marxism

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