Daily Express

Remainers ‘using bogus data’ in billionair­e-backed campaign

- By David Maddox Political Correspond­ent

A REMAINER campaign funded by a foreign billionair­e is putting out “bogus figures” to try to reverse the referendum result, Jacob Rees-Mogg has warned.

The Best for Britain campaign, bankrolled by the Hungarian-American billionair­e George Soros, yesterday unveiled a billboard campaign with Remainer propaganda and launched its own tour bus.

Mr Soros, who has given the campaign £500,000 through his Open Society Foundation­s, is infamous for making an estimated $1billion on Black Wednesday in 1992, when Britain withdrew from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism. The new campaign bus is meant to mock the successful Vote Leave bus, which took Boris Johnson on his tour around Britain. Labour MP Chuka Umunna, a high-profile Remainer, attended the launch, but the campaign got off to a sticky start when the bus was filmed stuck in a London street. And while the Vote Leave bus told people about the £350million a week gross Britain paid to the EU at the time, Best for Britain claims on the side of its bus that leaving costs £2billion a week.

The figure came from a now discredite­d assessment drawn up by civil servants who, it is claimed, input the wrong data to arrive at a result that suggested Brexit would reduce growth by eight per cent.

Last night Mr Rees-Mogg, chairman of the European Reform Group of Tory backbenche­rs, said a report by leading economists has revealed that leaving will boost growth by four per cent more than previous prediction­s. He said: “These are bogus figures. We save billions by leaving.”

 ??  ?? A trawler fishes off the west coast of Scotland Mr Umunna at the launch yesterday
A trawler fishes off the west coast of Scotland Mr Umunna at the launch yesterday

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