Daily Express

Told I was too big to model when I was a tiny size six

CHARLI HOWARD made global headlines when she was dropped by her agency for not being slim enough. She tells us her story


AS SHE hung up the phone Charli Howard felt completely crushed. She’d just been dropped by her modelling agency for not being slim enough, despite being 5ft 8in and a tiny size six.

“I felt as if my whole world had ended as I’d always dreamed of being a model. I was doing everything I could to slim down to the size they wanted but it still wasn’t enough,” says Charli, 26, who claims the modelling agency dropped her because her hips measured 35in instead of 34in.

That evening she posted a message online about her experience, which was shared thousands of times around the world. “I refuse to feel ashamed and upset on a daily basis for not meeting your ridiculous, unobtainab­le beauty standards,” she wrote on Facebook.

And she isn’t the only one frustrated by the lack of diversity of body shapes in fashion.

This week plus-size models held a protest outside London Fashion Week to highlight the lack of curvier models at the event.

For Charli, only seeing slim models in fashion magazines had a big impact on her teenage years.

“I was at boarding school and some girls in my dorm hung up pictures of models on the walls. I’d look at them and think, ‘I want to look like that.’ There were pictures of supermodel­s in their underwear and they were so skinny their hip bones jutted out. I thought they were beautiful and the photos triggered an obsession.”

Charli began eating less and less, believing one day she would be as slim and beautiful as the models she idolised.

“I wanted to become a model and knew there was only one way to be as slim as them – by cutting down what I ate.”

SHE slimmed to a size 10 and at the age of 16 Charli sent photos to modelling agencies. Some were interested but they always said the same thing: if she wanted to be a success, she would have to lose weight.

“Whenever I went to an agency they’d say, ‘We’ll sign you if you get to this size.’ And because I was so desperate to become a model, I was willing to do anything to make it happen.

“They always wanted a 34in hip measuremen­t but obviously every woman has a different body shape. If you’re smaller, it might not be a problem but if you’re tall like I am, it can be quite tricky.”

After failing to land a modelling contract, Charli left school at 18 with a place at Leeds University to study German and politics.

But at the last minute she decided not to go and instead applied to study pattern cutting at the London College Of Fashion.

It was there she met a friend who would later become a model scout and help her sign with her first modelling agency.

“The agency represente­d high-ranking models and I remember thinking, ‘This is my big break.’ I had this idea that I’d join an agency and suddenly my dreams would come true. But in reality there are thousands of girls wanting to make it.”

Charli slimmed down to a size six in order to fulfil the agency’s requiremen­ts. She controlled her diet meticulous­ly, exercised in the gym for two hours each day and sometimes made herself sick after meals.

“Friends and family tried to give me more food but no one can force you to eat. Food was the enemy.”

Charli got some work through the agency but it was sporadic and she was often told she needed to be even thinner.

“They always wanted a 34in bust, 24in waist and 34in hips but no matter what I tried, I could never get my hips as slim as was required,” she says.

Then in 2015, when Charli was 24 and had been with the agency for three years, she had a disastrous shoot. Modelling for a clothing brand, she couldn’t fit into a pair of leather trousers.

“Everything else fitted but for the rest of the day the stylist made me feel bad about it,” says Charli.

When she got home, the agency called to say they were disappoint­ed and asked her to come into the office. Charli refused so they told her over the phone she was being dropped.

“They said I was too big to fit into the clothes and I’d never be small enough. All I could think was, ‘I’m doing all I can to meet your standards. You have no idea what goes on behind the scenes to make me look the way I do now’.”

It was this that pushed Charli to write about it, saying she was sick of being told she was too fat even though she barely ate. “My mental and physical health is of more importance than a number on a scale,” she wrote. To Charli’s amazement, her words went viral. She was inundated with comments and her post made headlines across the globe.

“It was really overwhelmi­ng. The next day I turned on the TV and my picture was on BBC News.”

Seeing the news, Muse modelling agency in America asked Charli if she would fly to New York to meet them.

“Muse flew me to New York and going there was the best decision I’ve ever made. They never asked me to lose weight or become more toned. They like me as I am.”

CHARLI threw away her weighing scales and began eating healthily. She also sought help from a cognitive behavioura­l therapist who helped her tackle the root cause of her eating issues.

“I needed to learn to deal with my feelings about weight. Having therapy helped me learn to let go of certain thoughts and realise what I eat is not a reflection of who I am as a person.”

Over the next year Charli became a healthy size 10 and started to feel happier with her body. And her career took off as a result. In 2016, a year after signing with Muse, Charli was selected for a high-profile campaign for make-up giant Maybelline.

“My face was on posters all over the city. It was completely surreal but it felt great,” she says.

Since then, Charli has worked for a number of high-profile brands, including doing a shoot for British Vogue.

After moving to New York she started a charity called All Woman Project which campaigns to get women of all sizes into the media.

“I want to keep modelling and prove that high fashion brands can feature women at my size and it won’t harm sales.

“I’m happier now than I’ve ever been. I love my body. Every woman has a different body shape and every body shape is beautiful.”

To order a copy of Misfit by Charli Howard (£12.99, Penguin) call the Express Bookshop on 01872 562 310 or visit expressboo­kshop.co.uk

 ?? Picture: instaGraM ??
Picture: instaGraM
 ??  ?? PRESSURE: Charli was unhappy in her early modelling days, left, but now loves her curves, above right
PRESSURE: Charli was unhappy in her early modelling days, left, but now loves her curves, above right

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