Daily Express

Ballet photograph­er gets life ban for stalking lover

- By Cyril Dixon

A ROYAL Ballet photograph­er who sent his ex-girlfriend a sex toy and a picture mocked-up to show her dog drowning, was ordered yesterday to stay away from her for life.

Former Swan Lake dancer Andrej Uspenski was made subject to an indefinite restrainin­g order after stalking 35-yearold Tatiana Novitjenko for three months.

Miss Novitjenko had split from Uspenski after he became “aggressive and possessive”.

But Westminste­r magistrate­s’ court heard that the 38-year-old defendant had turned up at her dance studio, bombarded her with angry text messages and sent the sex toy to her as a birthday gift.

He enclosed a card with it, showing what looked like one of her three pet chihuahuas drowning in the River Thames.

Carolyn Mishon, chairwoman of the bench, said: “I am imposing a restrainin­g order until further notice. This is necessary to protect the victim in this case.”

Russian-born Uspenski, who had to end his dancing career at the Royal Ballet because of injury, admitted without violence.

Yesterday, he was given a 12-month community order, a 25-day rehabilita­tion activity requiremen­t and ordered to pay £85 costs and an £85 victim surcharge.

Katie Bryan, prosecutin­g, said the pair had an eight-month romance and he moved into her home in Chelsea until she ended the relationsh­ip last April.

Raphael Steele, defending, said: “This was a short passionate relationsh­ip and when it came to an end Mr Uspenski struggled to get over that.” harassment

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Uspenski at court yesterday

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