Daily Express

A very modern land girl


FOR centuries farming’s image has revolved around ruddy-faced men toiling in fields while their loyal women folk run the home. It is a stereotype that has proved hard to break down. However the election of the National Farmers’ Union’s first female president in its 110-year history will do much to prove that attitudes within the industry are changing. Minette Batters, who built up a 300-strong herd of pedigree Hereford cattle from scratch in Wiltshire, fought off male competitio­n to secure the post this week.

She was told by her father that farming is not for girls but insists that agricultur­e as a man’s domain is being consigned to the past. “That really is a very out of date opinion,” says the 50-year-old single mother who took charge of the farm in 1998 and has steadily worked her way to the top.

“Women have always been the backbone of a large majority of farming businesses and they have probably not had the recognitio­n they deserve.”

Minette was raised on a farm but did not stand to inherit the tenancy from her father who was not keen for her to follow in his footsteps. She adds: “Traditiona­lly women didn’t farm but the more I was told I couldn’t do something the more I wanted it.

“I grew up on this farm and was in love with it but my father was very resistant about me taking over. He thought women should be in the kitchen but my brother did not want to farm so I was determined to get the tenancy back.”

Minette managed to convince the landlords that in exchange for renovating two derelict cottages in the farmyard she could take on the business. Securing the land in 1998 was the easy part. The place was in decline and she faced an uphill battle to make a living.

“It was rundown when I took over,” she recalls of her steep learning curve in the Avon Valley. “There wasn’t a fence. There were only 30 acres so I had to diversify. I also trained in catering so I ran a wedding business in our barn, we have a horse livery business and look after polo ponies.”

She now employs up to 22 full and part-time workers at the farm near Salisbury, which has now grown to 300 acres. There is also a small flock of pedigree sheep.

Despite all the hardships, including 5.30am starts, Minette still has the same passion for farming. And there is strong evidence that more women are pursuing the same dream.

According to government figures, the number of female farmers rose by 10 per cent between 2010 and 2013 and today there are about 28,000 of them. Although women are still outnumbere­d by men by more than four to one Farmer Giles is being given a run for his money by Farmer Gillian.

“A lot of daughters are really keen to go into farming,” adds Minette, who is a firm believer that the feminine touch can bring a fresh perspectiv­e.

She became NFU chairman for Wiltshire in 2008 after a friend encouraged her to get involved. The organisati­on, which represents 50,000 farmers and growers, was founded in 1908 when British agricultur­e was facing a crisis due to cheap imports of foreign meat. Minette was also a co-founder of Ladies In Beef, which champions British beef, and most recently NFU deputy president.

“Women are more aware of the consumer,” she claims. “People see a man running a farm and they think of it more as a business but consumers relate more to women.”

Minette, who is the mother of 13-year-old twins Holly and George, becomes the NFU’s 35th president and will serve a two-year term of office. She takes on the role as farming is said to be facing its most tumultuous period since the Second World War.

She will have to deal with the impact of Brexit, which you could say is a hot potato. Roughly half the NFU’s members would go out of business without EU subsidies worth £3billion a year and the union backed Remain in the referendum. She has spoken in favour of EU membership.

In addition to helping to end the myth that farming is a man’s world, another fallacy Minette will have to undo is the commonly held belief that there is no such thing as a poor farmer. High suicide rates in agricultur­e are a testament to the struggle it can be.

She is not about to start hammering the supermarke­ts but wants to educate people that good farm produce is worth paying for, stating: “We live in a cheap food society but we also love animals so we need to convince people that they want their cows and sheep raised well and that costs money.”

Other big issues in farming are the culling of badgers because of the threat of the disease TB, which she supports, and fox hunting. Minette seems to be sitting on the fence on that one but does say that foxes need to be controlled.

While her rise up the NFU ranks has been widely welcomed it appears she still faces a hurdle in terms of people’s old-fashioned views. On a recent farming forum one contributo­r asked following a magazine feature about Minette: “Why no mention of her husband?”

But Jilly Greed, who co-runs a 600-acre beef and arable farm near Exeter with husband Edwin, says the election of Minette can only be empowering and will encourage more women to follow this tough but rewarding career path. Five generation­s of her family have run the farm but, like the new NFU president, she is the first woman to take the reins.

JILLY says: “There were some very able females in my family in the past but it was a farming tradition that it always passed down the male line. I think part of the reason was the physicalit­y. You basically had to have brawn to be a farmer but advances in machinery have helped redress the balance and in future I am sure we will see even more women becoming directly involved.

“The industry is quite diverse now with lots of different opportunit­ies and we are also seeing a lot more women at agricultur­al college. It can still be a gruelling job, particular­ly during lambing and calving. We go out in the middle of the night and in all weathers but I love the lifestyle.”

Yet she still encounters ignorance and deeply entrenched attitudes from those who think women have no place in farming. As far as the dinosaurs are concerned women should be in the farming background or appearing in those ubiquitous fundraisin­g calendars.

“Every week I get calls from people who only want to speak to my husband,” adds Jilly, who cofounded Ladies In Beef with her friend Minette. “I have experience­d blatant and hurtful sexism but attitudes are changing and having a female president of the NFU can only make matters better.”

 ??  ?? WHAT’S HER BEEF? Minette Batters with some of the cattle on her Wiltshire farm
WHAT’S HER BEEF? Minette Batters with some of the cattle on her Wiltshire farm
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 ??  ?? NEW ERA: The Ladies In Beef, above. Left, Minette Batters next to Meurig Raymond and Guy Smith of the National Farmers’ Union
NEW ERA: The Ladies In Beef, above. Left, Minette Batters next to Meurig Raymond and Guy Smith of the National Farmers’ Union

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