Daily Express

Immigratio­n is the cause of problems not the solution


THE metropolit­an elite likes to claim that mass immigratio­n is an engine of social progress, bringing vibrancy to our culture and prosperity to our economy. In reality, the vast annual foreign influx achieves the opposite.

Profoundly reactionar­y in its consequenc­es, this demographi­c revolution has weakened solidarity, worsened living standards, and intensifie­d pressure on our public services. As cohesion frays, our once gentle, well-ordered society is awash with violent crime and poisonous identity politics.

A classic example of liberal doublethin­k on immigratio­n came yesterday from Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury. In a newspaper article, he trumpeted the need for a “generous” border policy.

“Welcoming strangers to our country and integratin­g them is important,” he declared, adding stridently that “we must never crush the new diversity”.

The prattling prelate has certainly had his wish in recent years. “Generous” might be one word for the Government’s approach to immigratio­n. “Criminally lax” and “institutio­nalised suicide” might well be others.

Last week, latest figures from the Office for National Statistics revealed that 578,000 migrants settled here in the year to September 2017.

Having called for generosity on immigratio­n, Welby then descended into a catalogue of woe about the problems of modern Britain, including the crisis in the NHS, the lack of “proper homes”, and education “cuts”.

DOESN’T Welby, even in all his Anglican soppiness, see any connection between the unpreceden­ted levels of migration and the decline that he outlines?

He wails that “the most important building blocks of our nation have been undermined”, but refuses to admit that the cause is the systematic demolition of our national identity and heritage by the obsession with diversity.

In the same contradict­ory vein, he moans about a lack of “common values” in Britain. Well that’s due to the proimmigra­tion doctrine he so blindly espouses. Through open borders, our once united country is being turned into an arena of competing minorities, devoid of any shared sense of belonging or mutual trust. In large swathes of urban England, Britons are now aliens in their own land.

Welby’s hollow contributi­on is so typical of the dishonesty that grips British progressiv­es. Instead of facing up to the heavy economic costs of mass immigratio­n, including rising welfare bills and strains on the civic infrastruc­ture, they pretend that Britain could not possibly survive without the import of millions of foreigners.

This attitude was summed up by former diplomat Lord Kerr, who said recently that “native Britons are so bloody stupid” that we “need an injection of intelligen­t people from overseas”.

That kind of self-loathing is absurd, given Britain’s historic record as a powerhouse of industry, democracy and invention. But it is also based on the fallacy that migrants are far more diligent and dynamic than British people. “They come here to work,” is the favourite mantra of the progressiv­es. It is untrue.

According to last week’s ONS report, less than half of all immigrants arrived here to work, and just 32 per cent had definite jobs to go to. Just as damningly, the ONS pointed out that the employment rate

SUCH twisted illogicali­ty extends far beyond the economy. Blathering on about cultural enrichment, progressiv­es are so determined to maintain the illusion of success they try to conceal any evidence about the damage caused by mass immigratio­n.

That impulse has been seen at its worst in the shameful reluctance by the authoritie­s to tackle predatory Asian grooming gangs across urban Britain. In its worship at the altar of cultural diversity, officialdo­m felt it more important to protect its fashionabl­e creed than vulnerable white girls.

Last Friday, a report on further investigat­ions into the grooming scandal in Rotherham showed the number of victims may be as high as 1,510, 90 per cent of them white, while 80 per cent of suspected offenders were of Pakistani origin. A similar report last week into grooming in the North East showed more than 700 girls were targeted by gangs of Asian men, who long acted with impunity due to official inertia.

The negative impact of immigratio­n can be seen all around us, bringing sharia courts, ballot box fraud, primitive misogyny, racial divisions and the erosion of free speech.

Amid a surge in violent crime, almost a quarter of the entire prison population belongs to ethnic minorities, with the figure rising to 47 per cent in young offender institutio­ns. Left-wingers wail about rising homelessne­ss, but almost 60 per cent of rough sleepers in London are not British. We are literally importing destitutio­n.

Welby spoke yesterday of “broken Britain”. His dogmas of immigratio­n and diversity are at the heart of the destructio­n.

‘Mass migration has driven down wages’

 ??  ?? DAMAGED: Justin Welby bemoans the state of Britain
DAMAGED: Justin Welby bemoans the state of Britain
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