Daily Express

Menopause hit me like a ton of bricks

The former party girl’s greatest passion now is helping women through ‘the change’, she tells BUSOLA EVANS


AS THE wife of Noel Gallagher, one of the country’s most well-known rock stars, Meg Mathews was part of the infamous hard partying set in the 1990s which included actress Sadie Frost and supermodel Kate Moss.

But today, Meg, who got divorced from Noel in 2001, has swapped her love of excess for a new passion: raising awareness of the menopause.

She decided to speak openly about her experience after being unprepared for the impact the condition would have on her physical and emotional health when she started having symptoms from the age of 46.

“I woke up one day with this wave of anxiety and fatigue. I felt claustroph­obic and didn’t want to leave the house. It was the worst feeling I had ever had,” remembers Meg, who turns 52 tomorrow. “I didn’t realise at the time I had started going through the menopause. Before that I thought the menopause was just about having hot flushes, night sweats and not having a period.”

Over the following few months Meg, who has an 18-year-old daughter Anais with Noel, rarely left the house and told friends she was suffering from glandular fever.

“I was frightened,” she admits. “I had nausea and a foggy brain. I was having such bad headaches I thought I needed to see a neurologis­t and my joints were so stiff I thought I had arthritis.

“I thought I had everything other than the menopause because it’s something that people don’t seem to talk about. I had no idea it would hit me like a ton of bricks.”

The menopause occurs when your ovaries stop producing eggs and your levels of oestrogen and progestero­ne, which regulate your menstrual cycle, fall. The average age for it to happen is 51 although it can happen earlier.

Perimenopa­use occurs up to several years before the menopause and this is when you are likely to suffer the most common symptoms. Despite it being inevitable for every woman, it is still very common for many women to be unaware of its signs, says Dr Louise Newson, a specialist who runs the website menopaused­octor.co.uk.

“Most people associate the menopause with hot flushes and night sweats but these are actually the symptoms that bother my patients the least,” she says.

“It is the symptoms that other people cannot see that lead to the most difficulti­es and these are the psychologi­cal symptoms.

“Low mood and feelings of depression can be very common symptoms of the menopause and perimenopa­use. Other psychologi­cal symptoms include feelings of low self-esteem, having reduced motivation, anxiety, irritabili­ty, panic attacks, poor concentrat­ion and low energy.

“These symptoms can be mistaken for depression and I see many women in my clinic who have wrongly been given antidepres­sants by their doctors for these symptoms.”

Meg gained 2st once the premenopau­sal symptoms kicked in. “I had chronic fatigue and low self-esteem and wanted to comfort eat while watching Netflix back to back.”

Finally Meg went to her GP and through a simple blood test she was diagnosed as perimenopa­usal. But it still took a couple of years before she found the best way to manage her symptoms.

“My GP referred me to a menopause clinic in my local hospital but I also spent a lot of money on acupunctur­e and bioidentic­als, which is also known as natural HRT, but none of it worked for me,” she says.

Meg finally got her breakthrou­gh by using traditiona­l HRT along with testostero­ne and oestrogen gel.

“It was only at 49 I started to take HRT and got myself back.”

There has been much debate over the side effects of HRT, however Dr Newson believes it is much safer than people believe.

“HRT is the most effective treatment to relieve symptoms caused by the menopause such as hot flushes, night sweats, mood swings and bladder symptoms,” she says. “For the vast majority of women under 60 years, the benefits of HRT outweigh the risks.

“Many women wait until their symptoms are really troublesom­e or even unbearable before starting HRT. However, taking HRT early really will make a difference to your symptoms and also lead to a greater improvemen­t in your heart and bone health.”

Past studies have shown a possible increased risk of breast cancer with HRT and also a possible increased risk of heart disease. But, says Dr Newson, these studies have since been shown to be flawed. “The more recent study published in 2016 still demonstrat­ed that for those women taking the worst type of HRT the risk of developing breast cancer was still greater if they were overweight or do not exercise, compared with the risk of taking HRT,” she explains.

“Over the past few years there have been other studies which have shown how safe HRT is.”

FOR Meg the benefits of HRT have been immeasurab­le. “Everyone is different and you have to go to your doctor and find out which treatment works for you but taking HRT has really transforme­d my life. It’s given me energy and I feel like myself again.”

Meg has launched a dedicated website, megsmenopa­use.com, to help women going through the transition and is a supporter of Sylk (from £9.99/sylk.co.uk), a plant-based moisturisi­ng lubricant to relieve vaginal dryness, one of the most common physical symptoms. She also believes maintainin­g a healthy lifestyle has helped ease the process.

“Eating well and working out is important. I’m not young any more, I can’t just go out and eat six packets of crisps. You have to be realistic. I don’t enjoy the gym but I do it now because I have to. I don’t have alcohol or sugar. My body feels so much better.”

Meg hopes that being open about her experience will help remove the stigma attached to menopause.

“There is still way too much shame around the subject when there shouldn’t be. It’s a natural process that happens to every woman.

“By talking about it, hopefully it will make people realise they are not on their own.”

‘I woke up one day with this wave of anxiety’

 ?? Picture: DAVE BENNETT / GETTY ??
 ??  ?? BREAKTHROU­GH: Meg wants women to talk openly about the menopause and its symptoms. Inset, Meg at the Isle of Wight Festival with model Kate Moss
BREAKTHROU­GH: Meg wants women to talk openly about the menopause and its symptoms. Inset, Meg at the Isle of Wight Festival with model Kate Moss
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