Daily Express

A year from now we will leave EU for a bright future


THE hour of destiny beckons. The moment of freedom has almost arrived. In exactly one year from now Britain will formally leave the European Union and begin the process of restoring our independen­ce from foreign rule.

The return of our sovereignt­y, after more than four decades of deepening entangleme­nt with Brussels will be a remarkable milestone in our island story. It is an event that will rank alongside other historic episodes that showed our indefatiga­ble national spirit, such as the defeat of Nazi tyranny in the 1940s or the first embrace of Parliament­ary democracy in the 1830s. The triumph of Brexit in the EU referendum was testimony to the innate courage, patriotism and wisdom of the British people, who refused to be cowed by a barrage of establishm­ent scaremonge­ring and smears. As liberty approaches, the nation will reap its reward for that heroic defiance.

Already the move towards our withdrawal has contracted all the alarmism peddled by the pro-EU brigade. The economy has not collapsed. Unemployme­nt is at a record low, manufactur­ing at a record high. The public finances are heading towards a surplus for the first time since the crash of 2008. Just as the Brexiters promised during the referendum campaign, more money is becoming available for the NHS.

Similarly, the talks between our Government and the EU have made much more progress than the Remainers predicted. Only last week Theresa May signed a comprehens­ive deal on the transition period lasting up to the end of 2020, under which Britain will be allowed to negotiate its own global deals.

In this mood of co-operation, discussion­s will now focus on our trading relationsh­ip, with the European Council pledging its wish for “a balanced, ambitious and wide-ranging free trade agreement”.

As each passing day brings Brexit closer, the dynamic of success will accelerate. The deadline of withdrawal by March 2019 creates its own momentum, building ever more widespread acceptance of our departure and turning British self-governance into a reality.

Diehard Remainers understand the impetus for Brexit imposed by the timetable. The losers know they will not be able to operate their roadshow for much longer. That is why they have become more desperate in recent weeks. Their lurid conspiracy theories about sinister data manipulati­on and their unsubstant­iated claims about the Leave campaign’s illegal expenditur­e are part of a last-ditch effort to undermine the referendum result. That same sense of panic applies to doom-mongering from pro-EU grandees such as Tony Blair, John Major and Chris Patten.

BUT such squawking is increasing­ly irrelevant. The British people just want the Government to get on with the implementa­tion of Brexit, not hold a rerun of the vote. Most citizens recognise that we have nothing to fear from self-rule.

After all, that was the status of Britain for centuries before we entered the European Economic Community – the forerunner of the EU – in 1973. Indeed, independen­ce is the natural status for most countries. Out of 195 sovereign nations in the world, 167 enjoy autonomy, the exceptions being the 28 members of the EU.

In the entire history of mankind the democratic nation state has proved by far the best constituti­onal vehicle for the advancemen­t of freedom and prosperity, whereas the EU has turned out to be a profoundly flawed experiment in the removal of basic civic rights and national identities.

It is precisely because the EU lacks any real democratic legitimacy that the Remainers are unable to defend it. So instead they resort to forecasts of disasters once we have left the EU.

Yet every one of their assertions is proving to be hollow. They shriek about labour shortages when EU free movement ends but only yesterday the Government’s own Migration Advisory Committee reported that fears about an inability to attract UK workers were “not credible”.

In the same vein, Remainers gloat how Brexit means that the United Kingdom is hopelessly isolated on the internatio­nal stage yet that charge has been demolished by the Government’s superb co-ordination of global action against Russia after the Salisbury nerve agent poisoning.

Just as fallacious is the Remainer hysteria about the Irish border. In reality this is a minor issue that can be resolved by goodwill, especially because no side actually wants a hard border. Switzerlan­d lies in the heart of Europe but is not in

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