Daily Express

Cricket ball knocks boy for six

- By Anil Dawar

A BOY of five suffered a sickening blow to the head from a cricket ball that flew over a garden fence from a school playing field, his mother revealed yesterday.

Little Harry Butt suffered severe concussion, two black eyes and a swollen nose after being floored by the hard ball struck by a young cricketer 60 yards away.

His horrified mum Michelle, 41, scooped the dazed youngster up in her arms and rushed him to hospital in her car.

Doctors said that had the red ball hit him anywhere else on the head he would have been killed.

His mother said: “He was literally millimetre­s from death.”

Residents of the road that borders Poole Grammar School in Dorset have previously complained about wayward cricket balls hitting cars and roofs.

But bizarrely the headteache­r told Harry’s family they could not erect safety netting on the boundary fence for “health and safety” as the site is too windy and it might get blown down.

Mrs Butt had taken Harry and her 12-year-old twin girls Tilly and Molly to visit a friend’s house on Thursday before heading off on a Bank Holiday weekend camping trip to Weymouth.

They were on the driveway saying goodbye at 5.30pm. Footage from a security camera shows Harry standing with his mum when the ball suddenly knocks him to the ground.

Mrs Butt said: “This ball literally came out of nowhere. It skimmed my head and hit my little boy on his left forehead.

“It sounded like a bomb had gone off and Harry was left sprawled on the floor. We were all hysterical. It was such a shock.

“He was violently sick three times. He’s still not himself. He cries every night. I’m still in shock. It’s just awful.”

Headteache­r Andy Baker has apologised to the family and said they would be moving all future cricket matches to another field.

 ?? Picture: MICHELLE BUTT/BNPS ?? Harry Butt just a couple of hours after he was struck
Picture: MICHELLE BUTT/BNPS Harry Butt just a couple of hours after he was struck

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