Daily Express


- By Chris Roycroft-Davis

YOU could be excused for thinking that an Archbishop of Canterbury who is about to conduct a royal wedding would be seeking inspiratio­n from the Book of Psalms. But the fact that the Most Reverend Justin Welby’s source of strength is a song by the rapper Stormzy with the line “I stay prayed up then I get the job done” should come as no surprise.

Because Welby’s background makes him one of the most unusual primates the Church of England has known. For a start, the man Welby believed to be his father – who came from a German Jewish family, made a fortune in America selling bootleg whisky during the Prohibitio­n era and died an alcoholic in London years later – turned out not to be his father at all.

Welby’s real father was a private secretary to Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Welby’s mother was Churchill’s personal secretary and she was pregnant when she married the man Welby grew up calling dad. Not the most convention­al family for the highest-ranking clergyman in England who will officiate at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding but one that makes for colourful reading.

The intrigue starts in England four years before the outbreak of the First World War when Welby’s “father” was born Gavin Weiler in Ruislip, west London. Gavin’s own father had emigrated to Britain from Germany years earlier but because of anti-German sentiment changed the family name to Welby in 1914.

Gavin was a chancer who went to America aged 19 where he sold illegal alcohol to highclass Manhattan hotels. He claimed he was connected to the Lincolnshi­re aristocrat Sir Charles Welby and led people to believe his family owned a Scottish distillery. These lies helped him befriend John F Kennedy, even dating the future president’s sister.

Gavin had a secret first wife of whom he never spoke and when he returned to Britain and unsuccessf­ully stood for Parliament as a Tory in 1951 he was sued for libel by his opponent, Richard Crossman, for misquoting him as saying “Labour is not fit to govern the country”.

After the election he met the archbishop’s mother, Jane Portal, who later became pregnant by Sir Anthony Montague-Brown while working in the prime minister’s private office.

SHE eloped with Gavin and they were married in America in late April 1955. Justin was born in January 1956. Justin met Sir Anthony as a boy but believed him to be a former work colleague of his mother. The dashing Sir Anthony was a decorated RAF pilot who joined the Foreign Office after the war and was seconded to work for Churchill until the former PM’s death in 1965.

Justin has described his early childhood as “messy” because both his parents were alcoholics and they divorced when he was three. Justin was placed in Gavin’s custody. His father had an eye for the ladies and began a relationsh­ip with the 23-year-old actress Vanessa Redgrave. Gavin was now 50 but claimed to be younger. “I have something very special to tell you,” Miss Redgrave wrote to her father, Sir Michael Redgrave: “I am going to marry a sweet, darling man called Gavin Welby.”

Her father did not approve and her mother wrote to him: “Vanessa is completely infatuated. I only pray we can prevent marriage.” They feared Welby was a “rotten piece of work”. Not surprising­ly perhaps, the marriage didn’t happen.

Despite his drink issues Gavin built up a respectabl­e persona and his business expertise enabled him to pay for Justin to go to Eton and then Cambridge. At Eton Justin says he “vaguely assumed there was a God. But I didn’t believe. I wasn’t interested at all”. It was at Cambridge that he became a Christian, urging a friend: “Please don’t tell anyone about this.”

After graduating he spent 11 years in the oil business during which time he joined the “happyclapp­y” Holy Trinity church in Brompton, west London. He wanted to become a vicar but the Bishop of Kensington turned him down for ordination saying: “You know, I’ve interviewe­d more than 1,000 candidates for ordination and you don’t come in the top 1,000. I can tell you, you have no future in the Church of England.”

Undeterred, Welby went on to become not just a priest but the Bishop of Durham in 2011, saying: “I was astonished to be offered the role.” Within a year he became favourite to succeed Rowan Williams as the next Archbishop of Canterbury, with so much money being put on him that the bookies suspended betting.

Welby said he had regarded it as “a joke” and “perfectly absurd” for him to become archbishop because he’d only been a bishop for a short time. But it was confirmed.

Welby and his wife Caroline have had six children. In 1983 their daughter Johanna died in a car crash in France aged seven months. Welby said: “It was a very dark time for my wife and myself but in a strange way it actually brought us closer to God.”

He acknowledg­es his privileged education and upbringing and has been praised for sending his own children to local state schools.

Two years ago a journalist did extensive research on the Welby family and told the archbishop he had doubts about who his real father was. Welby agreed to undertake paternity tests which showed it was 99.9 per cent certain Sir Anthony was his father, not Gavin.

Welby admitted it had come as “a complete surprise”, adding: “I know that I find who I am in Jesus Christ, not in genetics, and my identity in him never changes.”

His mother, who married again and is now Lady Williams of Elvel, confirmed to her son that she had a liaison with Sir Anthony shortly before she married Gavin although she had never suspected there was a doubt about Justin’s paternity.

The discovery forced Lambeth Palace to check canon law as men born illegitima­tely were for centuries barred from becoming archbishop­s. But a little-known change in the law meant that Justin was safe in his post.

ASKED about his religious practices, Welby calls himself “a spiritual magpie” and claims that he can “speak in tongues”, saying: “It’s just a routine part of spiritual discipline. You choose to speak and you speak a language that you don’t know. It just comes.”

Not all clergymen are taken by his evangelica­l fervour, however. “It can be embarrassi­ng when an archbishop tries to get down with the kids but to Justin’s credit he speaks very openly and accessibly, showing that he’s not in an ivory tower,” said one. “That can only be good.”

As the countdown to the royal wedding gains momentum, the archbishop admits he’s feeling nervous: “I’ve made a couple of cack-handed mistakes over the last couple of weddings I’ve been involved in and I’m thinking this is probably not a good moment to make it a hat-trick.”

The priest who will marry Prince Harry and Meghan Markle is the illegitima­te son of Churchill’s last private secretary – and a fan of the grime artist Stormzy…

 ??  ?? NUPTIALS: Prince Harry and Meghan
NUPTIALS: Prince Harry and Meghan
 ??  ?? TIES: With his presumed father Gavin LOYAL: Churchill with Sir Anthony
TIES: With his presumed father Gavin LOYAL: Churchill with Sir Anthony

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