Daily Express

Shedloads of pickings for opportunis­t thieves


PEOPLE are out in their gardens again, but take care because thieves are also enjoying the sunshine.

Britons have more valuables in their garden and shed than they realise, leaving them vulnerable to light-fingered villains.

The average garden shed contains tools and equipment worth £550, yet a third of owners admit to leaving theirs unlocked, according to research from M&S Home Insurance Premier.

Bushes, trees and shrubs can be worth more than you think, with the average garden containing £369 worth of plants. Olive trees, box balls, bay leaf trees and hanging baskets are regular targets.

Paul Stokes, head of products at M&S Bank, said people often invest significan­t time and money in their garden: “Half of homeowners do not know whether they have adequate cover for theft or damage and should check what is included in their policy details.”

Stokes recommende­d fixing a good quality lock or padlock on the door of your shed, and fitting a blind over the windows to keep contents hidden from view.

Lock up belongings such as barbecues, bicycles and garden tools in your shed overnight, he urged: “Items left in the garden may not be covered for theft under the terms of your insurance policy.”

Installing automatic security lighting in your garden or planting a prickly hedge can help deter intruders, he added.

Sadly, household insurance cannot protect you against damage inflicted by that other unwelcome intruder: slugs.

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