Daily Express

Why do we fall for transgende­r lunacy?



WHY on earth has Britain suddenly gone mad over transgende­rism? A combinatio­n of grievance, political cowardice and a love of bandwagons has produced a series of unbelievab­le headlines.

Let us look at hard facts. We are born either male or female, an arrangemen­t of nature which allows us to reproduce as a species. Out of a population of 65 million only a few thousand seek help for transgende­r issues and even fewer have actual sexchange procedures, with some regretting it and seeking reversal. It is right and proper that those with genuine gender dysphoria receive help but it is beyond belief that any government should say it is enough to say you are the opposite sex to be recognised as such.

Yet such is the prevailing lunacy that heads of schools have decided to abandon the division of lavatories into male and female, the Labour Party is in a tizzy about whether men should be allowed to apply for all-woman shortlists if they “self-identify” as women, men can invade women’s changing rooms just by claiming to be female and male prisoners, some violent, can demand to be housed in women’s jails.

THE whole dangerous farce needs stopping in its tracks. Boys are boys and girls are girls and no child should ever be prevented from saying so. Similarly men are men and women are women and only when they have passed rigorous medical analysis and undergone the necessary procedures to effect real change should they be allowed to assert otherwise or at any rate expect society to act upon such assertion.

As for prisoners, they should serve their sentences in the gender in which they were legally recognised at the time of sentence. What is unreasonab­le about that? A REPORT in our sister paper the Sunday Express says that the younger generation is at risk of going deaf and that more than half of youngsters between the ages of 18 and 24 say they experience tinnitus. The cause is too much exposure to noise via smartphone­s and headphones.

I can never believe the noise levels which today people take for granted. Indeed I even HOW wonderful that the parents of little Charlie Gard, the baby who died after UK courts refused to let him travel to America for experiment­al treatment in a major hospital, are to wed, meaning that at least some good has come from that tragedy.

Often such prolonged trauma results in family break-up as in the case of the parents of poor little wore headphones when I appeared on Big Brother’s Bit On The Side because I couldn’t stand the hullaballo­o that the audience saw fit to make every few minutes or the blare of the music. I had already escaped to the garden on more than one occasion when there was partying and music in the Big Brother House itself.

I once went with police to a nightclub in James Bulger or those of Charlotte Wyatt, another sick baby at the centre of a battle between the medical profession and parents. In other cases the opposite effect occurs and the parents draw closer together.

It is heartening that Connie Yates and Chris Gard fall into the latter category. I hope they go on to have a healthy, happy family and a long, joyful marriage.


my former constituen­cy and came out nearly deafened by the din. “How on earth do they converse?” I asked one officer. “They lipread,” she replied.

At 70 I have normal hearing, despite a nasty attack of viral labyrinthi­tis 16 years ago. I put it down to having always hated too much loud noise and therefore having never frequented places where it was a normal part of the milieu. Even when I was young I preferred a restaurant where I could talk rather than one with loud background music.

As I do not suppose anybody is going to listen to the warnings no matter how loudly they are sounded, I reckon we must just hope for some miraculous aural cure to be available a few decades hence.

 ?? Picture: REX, REUTERS ??

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