Daily Express

I wish I’d burned too, says Grenfell survivor whose fridge started fire

- By Jack Hardy

THE father-of-two who lived in the flat where the Grenfell Tower fire started says he wishes he had died in the inferno.

Ethiopian-born Uber driver Behailu Kebede told the public inquiry the media had portrayed him “like a criminal who was to blame for the fire”.

His harrowing written statement ended: “Sometimes I wish I had burned in the tower with the others. I have been burning inside ever since.”

Suggestion­s that he caused the fire by tampering with his fridge-freezer or that he had packed a bag before escaping led to police fears for his safety.

In his statement published yesterday Mr Kebede, 45, said: “The police wanted to put me into witness protection because they were concerned about reports in the press suggesting that I was to blame for the fire.

“It was even suggested to me that I might need to change my name and not have any contact with my family. I told the police I did not want to take part in any form of witness protection.

“Finally they agreed to let me stay in a different part of London.

“As a result of media intrusion, my partner and children were forced to move out of their home. The four of us have been living together in hotels ever since.”

Mr Kebede had been saving to buy his fourth-floor flat in Grenfell Tower under the Right To Buy scheme and had hoped to move his partner and two children in with him. Instead, he left Flat 16 for the final time with only his mobile phone, trousers and T-shirt – not even managing to put on a pair of shoes.

His statement continued: “Since the fire my life has been a complete mess. I had gone through a terrible ordeal that was affecting me mentally and physically.

“I wanted to meet the families of the bereaved but I did not have the courage to do so. I wanted to pay my respects to the deceased but felt unable to go out on my own. I believed that there were people out there who wanted to hurt my family and me. I feared for my life. I knew so many of those who died in the fire. I relive the horrific memories of that night all the time.

“I have not been able to sleep properly, thinking about those who died and seeing their faces when I close my eyes. “Just talking about it is painful. “I wish I could have banged on more doors and woken up more people. I am haunted by my failure to pick up my flat keys when I left and my inability as a result to get back into the building and warn more people.

“I feel broken and want to cry all the time.” Mr Kebede did not give evidence in person because his lawyer said he was too terrified.

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 ??  ?? Uber driver Behailu Kebede says he is haunted by his failure to warn more people about the fire that started in his Grenfell Tower flat
Uber driver Behailu Kebede says he is haunted by his failure to warn more people about the fire that started in his Grenfell Tower flat

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