Daily Express

Boris: Quitting over Heathrow crunch vote would achieve nothing

- By Alison Little Deputy Political Editor

BORIS Johnson last night defended his failure to vote against Heathrow expansion, saying resigning to do so “would have achieved nothing”.

The Foreign Secretary had flown to Afghanista­n on official business, convenient­ly missing last night’s Commons vote on plans for a third runway at Europe’s busiest airport.

He has come under fire for avoiding having to choose between voting for the Government’s policy of expansion or quitting to vote against it – in line with his pledge to his west London constituen­ts who live under the flight path.

Central lobby in Parliament was locked down last night after demonstrat­ors staged a “lie in” protest over the plans.

The group of 12 lay on the floor shouting “Vote No, Heathrow” during the debate ahead of the crunch vote.

Ministers believed support from dozens of Labour MPs who were allowed a free vote on the issue would see the project given the go-ahead.

But the Scottish National Party announced its MPs would abstain because the Government had left too many questions unanswered and failed to guarantee the benefits expansion would bring Scotland.


Local councils and residents are planning court action to scupper the expansion.

And Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, who personally opposes the project, has said Labour could still halt it if the party returned to power, depending what stage the work had reached.

Supporters of the £14billion privately funded scheme say it will boost the whole UK economy as well as regional transport links.

It will create more than 100,000 jobs while meeting air-quality and climatecha­nge obligation­s, it is claimed.

Transport Secretary Chris Grayling told MPs that endorsing the project would set a clear path as a global nation “in a post-Brexit world”.

Mr Johnson is a long-standing opponent of a third runway and previously said he would “lie down in front of the bulldozers” to prevent it.

Fellow Tories were among those challengin­g him to follow the example of internatio­nal trade minister Greg Hands, who resigned last week to honour his promise to his Chelsea and Fulham constituen­ts to oppose expansion.

Mr Hands declared yesterday that he had been clear “that any option to be somewhere else was not going to be viable for me, because of the very clear pledge that I have made to my electors, which could hardly have been clearer”.

MP Sarah Wollaston told BBC Radio 4’s The Westminste­r Hour at the weekend Mr Johnson should have quit “on a point of principle. Just being convenient­ly out of the country won’t wash”.

Mick Rix, of the GMB union, which backs expansion, quipped: “Boris Johnson presumably thinks he’s going to get a better reception in Kabul than he would in Westminste­r today.”

Before flying out, Mr Johnson wrote to his Uxbridge and South Ruislip constituen­ts: “I have long been an opponent of a third runway and that is why I am not voting for it tonight.

“I have made clear my opposition since joining the Government, and I will continue to lobby colleagues from within the Government. Some of my critics have suggested that I should resign over the issue. But it is clear from what is likely to be a large majority of MPs who are in favour of a third runway that my resignatio­n would have achieved absolutely nothing.”

Yesterday after days of secrecy the Foreign Office said Mr Johnson had gone to Kabul “to show support for positive developmen­ts in Afghanista­n”.

He had talks with deputy foreign minister Hekmat Karzai and rode in an armoured vehicle with the Welsh Guards.

 ??  ?? Mr Johnson meets Afghan deputy foreign minister Mr Karzai in Kabul yesterday
Mr Johnson meets Afghan deputy foreign minister Mr Karzai in Kabul yesterday
 ??  ?? Air Canada jet seems to skim the rooftops on its approach to Heathrow yesterday
Air Canada jet seems to skim the rooftops on its approach to Heathrow yesterday

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