Daily Express

I wish I had chance to tackle medal thieves, says angry war hero, 98

- By David Pilditch

COWARDLY thieves broke into the home of a 98-year-old war veteran and stole his medals.

John Seal was asleep when the intruders pounced. He said he wishes he had been awake to tackle them over his mementoes.

Mr Seal was bestowed with five medals including an honour from the South African Air Force for his work helping to direct the Spitfire ground attack missions as the Desert Rats fought the Battle of El Alamein.

The widower said: “It just makes me wild that I didn’t wake up for it. I could have confronted them. I felt bemused. I didn’t understand what had gone on. It wasn’t very nice.

“I would really like my medals back. They have huge sentimenta­l value to me.”

His treasured mementoes also included the Italy Star, the Second

World War medal and a Battle of Britain honour.

The thugs grabbed the haul from Mr Seal’s home in Chichester, West Sussex, after gaining entry by ripping a “key safe” cabinet off the wall.

Sharon Gregory, one of his four carers who discovered the burglary, said: “It’s appalling that someone who served his country is targeted in this manner. The medals have great emotional value to John. It is awful someone would stoop so low.”

Nephew Jonathan Seal, 64, said it was fortunate his uncle was not hurt in the raid, which happened between 8.30pm on Sunday, June 17, and the following morning.

He said: “They found his medals in the study upstairs – it was lucky there wasn’t more damage and they didn’t come into his room. They came in while he was asleep. Luckily he wasn’t disturbed. Obviously that’s the most important thing for us but he’s actually devastated to lose his medals.

Mr Seal served with the King’s Royal Rifles and helped guard RAF Tangmere, a fighter squadron base during the Battle of Britain.

He was posted to Cairo but complained about a lack of action after being detailed to work on accounts.

A week later he was packed on to a train and sent to the remote desert railway station of El Alamein.

Police are asking the public to look out for any of the medals offered for sale, especially online.

Sussex Police said: “This was a cowardly theft of items stolen while the victim, a 98-year-old man, slept.

“We are appealing for the public to keep an eye on any online pages for these medals. If you see any of them for sale contact us immediatel­y.”

 ??  ?? Bemused...victim John Seal
Bemused...victim John Seal

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