Daily Express

Ten things you never knew about... population


Today is World Population Day, celebrated each year on July 11 as that was the date in 1987 when the world’s population officially reached five billion.

1. The world population surpassed six billion in 1999 and seven billion in 2011. It currently stands at more than 7.6 billion.

2. More than half the people on earth are 30 years old or less. The median age is 30.4 years.

3. Every day, around 353,000 babies are born. That’s more than four births every second.

4. An average of just under two people die every second, so the world population increases at a rate of more than two people per second.

5. At the time of the Black Death in the mid-14th century, the world population was only 370 million.

6. More than 35 per cent of the world’s people are Chinese or Indian. The UK has the world’s 22nd highest population with 0.86 per cent of the total.

7. It is estimated that one-sixteenth of the people who have ever lived are alive today.

8. The world population is growing at a rate of just over one per cent a year. The number of people aged over 60 is growing at three per cent.

9. The number of mobile phones in the world overtook the number of people in 2014.

10. There are 101 males to every 100 females on earth. The UK figure is 99 males per 100 females.

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