Daily Express

Youngest female terror plotter is locked up for life

- By Cyril Dixon

THE youngest woman to be convicted of plotting a terror attack on British soil was jailed for life yesterday.

Judge Mark Dennis QC ignored pleas that 18-year-old Safaa Boular had renounced her fanatical Muslim beliefs.

He said the teenager “knew what she was doing” when she formed the country’s first allfemale jihadi cell with her mother and sister.

The Old Bailey was told they planned a major terror attack on the streets of London using the code “Mad Hatter’s tea party”.

They were inspired by jailed hate preacher Anjem Choudary, idolised the killers of soldier Lee Rigby and spent hours watching Islamic State execution videos.

Boular, who was trained online by her 32-year-old fiance Naweed Hussain, a British Pakistani who fought with IS in Syria, was told she will serve at least 13 years behind bars.

Judge Dennis said he could not be sure that the “serious risk that she has posed hitherto has now evaporated”.

He added: “However much she may have been influenced and drawn into her extremism, it appeared she knew what she was doing and acted with open eyes.”

The judge praised MI5 investigat­ors who uncovered the family’s murderous plans after bugging their home in Vauxhall, central London.


Boular, who had been found guilty of two counts of preparing terrorist acts, remained impassive throughout yesterday’s sentencing.

The jury heard she planned to join Hussain in Syria but he was killed in a US drone strike.

She then discussed a grenade and gun attack on the British Museum in London.

While in custody, she discussed further attacks with her older sister Rizlaine Boular, 22. Rizlaine told her: “It’s going to be like me and a few sisters and stuff and we’re just gonna have fun. It’s basically gonna be like a tea party and stuff.”

She added: “It’s gonna be fun, it’s going to be on Thursday we’re gonna have this party.”

Rizlaine armed herself with a knife and scouted targets around the Palace of Westminste­r – assisted by her mother Mina Dich.

The older sister shared her plans with friend Khawla Barghouthi, 21, but was shot and wounded as she was arrested by armed police at the friend’s home in Willesden, north-wesr London.

Rizlaine was jailed for life with a minimum term of 16 years at an earlier hearing after she admitted preparing acts of terrorism. Dich, 44, was jailed for six years and nine months with an additional five years on licence for assisting her.

Barghouthi, who admitted failing to alert authoritie­s, was jailed for two years and four months.

 ?? Pictures: PA, PIXEL 8000 ??
Pictures: PA, PIXEL 8000
 ??  ?? Safaa Boular, 18, above, has been jailed for life for plotting a terror attack on the streets of London. Left, with her sister Rizlaine, top, and her mother Mina Dich, front right, who are already serving sentences
Safaa Boular, 18, above, has been jailed for life for plotting a terror attack on the streets of London. Left, with her sister Rizlaine, top, and her mother Mina Dich, front right, who are already serving sentences

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