Daily Express



The problem was as soon as I found myself feeling the tiniest bit stressed, my solution was to get drunk. Soon I turned to alcohol for even the most trivial of issues, such as getting stuck in traffic. What went from two cheeky halves of cider with friends at the weekend when I was 16 quickly became a habit. I found myself drinking more and more regularly to de-stress.

But eventually this tactic stopped working and I found myself in need of a new coping strategy, so I decided to change my life by enrolling on a yoga teacher training course. Through this I learnt how to manage my stress levels via deep breathing, postures and meditation. I soon realised that the more I practised yoga, the less I needed alcohol and curbed my daily drinking. Weekends were a different matter though and I continued to binge drink until October 12, 2014, when after waking up with one of my worst-ever hangovers I quit.

Since then I can look back on my life and see I was creating reasons to drink. But from practising yoga I now have the tools to manage my stress in a way that 25 years of drinking never gave me.”


Carly Thompsett, 29, lives in Cardiff, Wales, and runs fashion business Anaphase Store.


can “SEEING how alcohol change people put me off

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