Daily Express

The Saturday briefing



IS THERE anything you are desperatel­y yearning to know? Are there any pressing factual disputes you would like us to help resolve? This is the page where we shall do our best to answer any questions you throw at us, whatever the subject.

COULD you please tell me if I have correctly remembered a film from the 1960s? It featured a woman, maybe Gina Lollobrigi­da, who was unsure who was the father of her daughter, but it could have been one of three men, one of whom may have been played by George Peppard.

I think the film was quite shocking at the time. I remembered it when Mamma Mia was first produced. Please tell me I didn’t dream it!

Hilary Chapman-Fisher, by email FEAR not, your memory is fine – except for the bit about George Peppard. The 1968 film is Buona Sera, Mrs Campbell with Lollobrigi­da as Carla Campbell, a widow who supposedly lost her husband during the Second World War. She lives in the South of Italy looking after her daughter Gia (Janet Margolin) on her own.

Then a group of soldiers return to Italy for a reunion and the truth is revealed that Carla made up her husband as she had slept with three different men (played by Telly Savalas, Phil Silvers and Peter Lawford) and does not know which of them is Gia’s father.

It is actually a very good comedy.

I HAVE become increasing­ly frustrated with the use of the wording “train station” instead of “railway station” for the location of where to board a train.

Why have we moved now to using this incorrect name?

Peter Whitaker, Malton, North Yorkshire AS someone who still listens to the wireless and wears spectacles for reading, I have great sympathy with you. But I do not think there’s really much wrong with “train station”.

That expression has spread to Britain after long use in America and most of the objections to it boil down to a dislike of Americanis­ms.

Yet no one seems to object to referring to a place for catching buses as a bus station, so why not a train station for trains?

Interestin­gly, the Oxford English Dictionary gives an example of “train station” in an English newspaper in 1856 which was before the Americans used the phrase and the earliest reference to a railroad station was also in England.

The phrase “railway station” is still used about 60 per cent of the time in the British press but with the other 40 per cent saying “train station”, I think we have to see them as legitimate alternativ­es.

HOW is it that the Scottish football clubs Brechin and Elgin

can use the word City in their names, when the places they play in are not actually cities?

Graham Milburn, by email IN 1975, the definition of city was re-examined in Britain and official recognitio­n removed from some places. After that date both Brechin and Elgin were seen officially as “former cities” which allowed them to call themselves “city”. The two places, however, are not quite the same.

Brechin in Angus definitely qualified under the old definition of city as its boundaries contained a cathedral. But there has always been a bit of an argument about Elgin over the question of whether in the 12th century King David raised it to the status of city or just “royal burgh”. The local council has always called it a city. WAS it 1939 or 1940 when King George VI, in his Christmas Broadcast, quoted the words of Louise Haskins? James Carter-Locke, Bradbury, New South Wales, Australia IT was in his 1939 Christmas Message, which he ended with Louise Haskins’ words from her poem The Gate Of The Year.

“I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year, ‘Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown’. And he replied, ‘Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way’.”

Her words are now inscribed at the entrance to the George VI memorial chapel in St George’s Chapel, Windsor, and in a window at the Queen’s Chapel of the Savoy, London. The poem was also read at the funeral of Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, in 2002.

IS there any difference between the terms “heir apparent” and

by “heir presumptiv­e”? I have noticed the terms used interchang­eably by news presenters and documentar­y producers, especially those about the present Queen when she was Princess Elizabeth.

Julia Hulm, Ipswich, Suffolk AN heir or heiress presumptiv­e is the person currently entitled to inherit the throne if the monarch dies but whose position can be displaced by the birth of someone else.

For example, until Princess Elizabeth became Queen in 1952 she was heiress presumptiv­e, because a male child might be born to the King who would move above her in the line of succession.

Prince Charles, however, is heir apparent, because he will always be first in line. I HAVE been a fan of Alfred Hitchcock films since the late 1950s and for years I have halfhearte­dly tried to find out if I am correct in spotting an error in Vertigo with James Stewart and Kim Novak.

Twice in the story Scottie and Madeleine are seen driving between San Francisco and a Spanish mission. Both times they start off on the right side of the road but in the next shot they are on the left side. Am I correct? Alan Gilford, Ellesmere,

Shropshire THERE are a few continuity errors in Vertigo but this is probably not one of them. Others have pointed it out as a mistake but they have been answered by Hitchcock aficionado­s who argue the US 101 road near San Juan Bautista where the sequence was filmed is split by a grove of Eucalyptus trees with two lanes in each direction. In the long shots, you see two lanes which are actually going in the same direction, so they are not driving on the left as they appear to be.

HOW can I find out what is on the other side of the world exactly under my house?

John Ashe, Bradley Stoke, South Gloucester­shire YOU will first need to find out the exact longitude and latitude of your house. If you happened to live in Buckingham Palace, for example, they are 51.501476N, 0.140634W.

You can then find the coordinate­s of the point on Earth exactly opposite by turning the latitude from N to S (or S to N) and subtractin­g the longitude from 180 while also changing W to E (or vice versa).

So for Buckingham Palace, we get 51.501476S, 179.859366E and looking that up on Google Maps, we get a point in the ocean south east of New Zealand.

Is there anything you can’t answer? Try us! You can ask a question:

By email:

put “questions” in the subject line and send your question to william.hartston@express.co.uk

to Any Questions, c/o William Hartston, Daily Express, Number 10 Lower Thames Street, London EC3R 6EN

We cannot promise replies to everyone but the best will feature on this page.

By post:

 ?? Pictures: ALAMY; GETTY ?? WHO’S THE DADDY?: Buona Sera, Mrs Campbell, made in 1968, had an all-star cast of Telly Savalas, Gina Lollobrigi­da, Peter Lawford and Phil Silvers
Pictures: ALAMY; GETTY WHO’S THE DADDY?: Buona Sera, Mrs Campbell, made in 1968, had an all-star cast of Telly Savalas, Gina Lollobrigi­da, Peter Lawford and Phil Silvers
 ??  ?? BROADCAST: George VI quoted Louise Haskins’ poem
BROADCAST: George VI quoted Louise Haskins’ poem
 ??  ??

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