Daily Express

It’s an open secret that Corbyn must be replaced


TODAY we exclusivel­y reveal that a large group of senior Labour MPs have been holding regular meetings at a rural estate in Sussex to explore ways of ousting Jeremy Corbyn as leader of the party.

These meetings are believed to have been going on for some time suggesting that the plotters have not made much headway thus far, perhaps lulled by the charms of the English countrysid­e in high summer – a welcome distractio­n from the rats’ nest that is Westminste­r.

And while the essence of a conspiracy is secrecy it is also likely that these politician­s are happy to leak their plans to let the public know that something will be done about Corbyn. For at last – with the anti-Semitism crisis eroding his credibilit­y day by day – there is a sense that the Corbyn bubble (or maybe it is more of an abscess) has burst.

Labour should be riding high in the polls now as the Tories seem bent – as per usual – on destroying themselves over Europe. Labour should be taking the lead, setting the agenda and making trouble. Yet we hear nothing. Jeremy Corbyn is the most divisive leader the party has known in its entire history.

It is extraordin­ary. His ineptitude should be a delight to loyal Tories for he is unlikely to ever reach Downing Street now. But at the same time many who have no wish to see a Labour government will privately wish the Sussex plotters well.

It would be a return to sanity to see a once-great political party under sensible leadership again.

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