Daily Express

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WHEN supermodel Elle Macpherson posted a picture of herself lounging by the pool on holiday last month, it wasn’t the blue sky that got her followers talking. It was her feet. Eagle-eyed fans were quick to point out Elle, 54, appeared to have bunions.

And she is by no means alone. Here in the UK about 15 million of us suffer from bunions, the majority of whom are women over 45.

The cause is almost always the shoes we choose to wear, be they too small or too high, pushing the feet into awkward positions.

In a recent survey it was found that almost half of UK women cover up their feet during summer.

But it was not just bunions that were to blame with many also citing hard, dry skin, discoloure­d nails and cracked heels as reasons for hiding them away.

But help is at hand and with the right tools, treatments and a bit of elbow grease, feet can be easily transforme­d.

The problem: BUNIONS

Bunions are caused by changes in muscle structure as we age and develop when the big toe becomes angled inwards, towards your other toes.

This forces the bone at the top of the foot by the base of the big toe to stick out at the side.

Bunions can be hereditary but more often than not they’re caused by badly fitting shoes.

Heels with a pointed toe that force your toes into a cramped space are the worst offenders. The solution Relieve the pressure with bunion pads, which you can buy at the chemist, and choose shoes with a rounded toe and a wide foot.

If they are very painful then surgery may be the answer, during which the bunion is removed and the bones realigned, preserving the joint. A one-day operation, under local or general anaestheti­c, the treatment is available on the NHS and privately but expect to pay about £4,000 for one foot.

Recovery is slow and it may take months before you are back on your feet. Ask your doctor for a referral.

The problem: DRY HEELS

The number one foot problem in the UK is mostly caused by wearing summer sandals without foot support or cushion, causing a build up of layers of dead skin.

Cracks can then appear which not only look unsightly but can be sore too. The solution Use a foot file on clean, dry feet to slough off any hard skin that’s formed on your heels, the balls of your feet or the big toes.

Try Margaret Dabbs Bare Feet Foot File, £12 (marksandsp­encer. com). Then apply a moisturise­r, choosing one designed for the skin on the feet which is thicker than elsewhere on the body.

Products containing urea, such as Eucerin Intensive Foot Cream With 10% Urea, £11 (feelunique.com) can penetrate the skin more effectivel­y.

The problem: YELLOW NAILS

It can be hard to perfect your pedicure when the nail underneath is discoloure­d. This yellowing happens when nail polish oxidises and the lighter the polish, the more it will yellow. It can also occur when sunscreen reacts with your topcoat. The solution To conceal yellowing opt for bright varnishes and limit chlorine and sun exposure. Also steer clear of press-on nails, gel varnish treatments and “instant dry” formulas as the faster the lacquer dries, the more it damages the nail.

The problem: PAINFUL PADS

Fat under the skin all over the body disappears with age, including the protective fat pads under the balls of the feet, and this can be painful if you are on your feet all day. The solution You can’t stop the fat from thinning but silicone insoles can help.

Or for a more high-tech answer a treatment is available that replaces the lost pads with either a hyaluronic filler or your own fat extracted from your thighs or tummy, which is then injected into heel and toe pads under the feet.

Using hyaluronic acid takes 20 minutes, costs from £350 and results last up to six months. Fat transfer takes an hour, costs from £1,200 and results last up to 18 months.

The problem: SPIDER VEINS

More than 60 per cent of women have broken and spider veins covering the feet, caused by sun damage, ageing and thinning skin. The solution If you are self-conscious, using a concealer or fake tan can help reduce the appearance of spider veins. Try Your Skin But Better CC Cream SPF50+, £30 (boots.com). For a more permanent solution,

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