Daily Express

Youths stabbed in another night of knife carnage

- By Michael Knowles

teenagers were arrested after four boys were attacked with a “machete” in a night of carnage.

Witnesses told how one boy collapsed to the ground holding his stomach. They said he had been partially disembowel­led after being stabbed with the huge blade.

And detectives launched a murder probe after a 50-year-old man was found dead in a flat just a mile away from the bloodbath in south London.

Emergency crews desperatel­y tried to save the four teenagers, said to be 15 and 16 years old, after they were stabbed in the legs, arms and stomach before being rushed to hospital.

Neighbours heard someone screaming for help moments before the quadruple stabbing in Southwark on Thursday night. The arrested teenagers were all also aged 15 and 16.

Detectives said one of the stabbed teenagers was fighting for his life while another was in a serious but stable condition last night.

Incredibly, one neighbour claimed the sickening clash had come about after a row over a belt.

A mother who lives on the Elmington Estate in Camberwell said: “What really scared me was the size of the knife. It was on the ground before the police bagged it up. Where are they getting these knives?

“It was like a machete. The handle was black. There was blood on it.”

Another said: “I heard people shouting and bawling. I saw this youth come running from the block. He came to the corner and dropped. He was holding his belly.”

Susan Model, 20, who watched the incident unfold from a ground floor flat, said: “We saw four people, three of them lying on the ground and one of them being walked off.

“I heard two got their stomach cut open. It was manic, completely manic.

“All of a sudden a load of police came from nowhere running.

“There was a guy with no top and he said something like ‘I’m going to ******* kill him’ and about five officers chased after him as he ran off.”

A mother-of-four who lives on the estate said she saw some of the group being arrested: “I saw police chasing people, four officers had to grab this one boy. He was fighting one officer and three others had to get involved.

“I don’t let my kids out to play. If I’m not there, they’re not going out.”

The attack happened near where drill rapper Sidique Kamara, 23, was stabbed to death on August 1.

Harriet Harman, MP for Camberwell and Peckham, said on Twitter: “So worrying for parents who have to go off to work this morning leaving young teenagers who don’t feel safe to hang out, and can’t afford to do anything other than be stuck in their flats during their school holidays.”

Superinten­dent Annmarie Cowley said: “If there needed to be an example of the utter senselessn­ess of knife crime, then this is it.”

 ??  ?? Machete madness...police forensics team on the scene in the aftermath of attacks
Machete madness...police forensics team on the scene in the aftermath of attacks

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