Daily Express

Part-time doctors are stretching NHS to breaking point

- Tim Newark Political commentato­r

ICAN’T remember when I last saw my designated GP. For most ailments, I’m happy to see anyone at my local surgery and frequently settle for a very competent nurse. Now, according to a recent report, this is partly down to the fact that on average GPs work only a three-and-a-third-day week.

They blame this on the stress of the job but in reality I would guess this comes down in part to the fact that many receive more than £100,000 a year. Wouldn’t you cut down your working week if you were earning that much money?

Certainly, their average day is, no doubt, a lot more demanding than many others, including visiting patients after hours. I was especially grateful when my father’s GP took time to see him regularly at home in the last few weeks of his life. This is our NHS at its caring best.

But this should not blind us to the fact that generous pay for GPs has allowed them to alter their life/work balance. One recent poll reveals that just 22 per cent of trainee GPs plan to work full time as a doctor.

The profession is attracting more women and they are determined to balance their career with raising a family. Research by the King’s Fund found that almost half of trainee doctors plan to take on well-paid locum work in addition to their GP responsibi­lities, while almost a third wanted to work privately. About 20 per cent intended to work abroad.

THIS is all very well and, no doubt, reflects a millennial desire among young people for a more flexible lifestyle but this is only possible if you are earning a good whack in the few days you are in the surgery. Most of us have to work full time to bring in enough money to cover our day-to-day living.

No one doubts that the NHS, generally, does a wonderful job but ever since Labour PM Tony Blair opened the floodgates on public-sector pay there has been an enormous increase in senior healthcare workers’ pay. That’s what takes up much of the demand for more money in the NHS.

I know a very diligent GP who lives in an enormous house in the country – the sort that used to be owned by a wealthy farmer or gentleman of leisure. She works a four-day week and spends the rest of the time developing property. Good luck to her but the inflation in income for GPs means many are not working a full week, which in turn means we need to recruit more doctors, many of them coming from abroad.

It has been reported that in order to accommodat­e the rise in part-timers, the NHS needs to employ 200,000 more medical staff. The Royal College of GPs claims there is a shortfall of 6,000 doctors.

It costs a lot of money to train a doctor. Estimates put the figure at £500,000 per medical student and yet some four out of 10 of these are leaving the NHS within five years. This might suit the young doctors choosing a more flexible and remunerati­ve way of working but it is not good value for taxpayers.

We are constantly being warned of a crisis in the number of doctors available as though it is the Government’s fault for not spending enough public money on the NHS. This is the mantra, especially, of the Labour Party but the knee-jerk response of raising more taxes to solve these problems is not the right answer.

Back in the first decade of this century, when Tony Blair thought the answer was to pour more and more money into wages in the NHS, a senior clinician told me he could see the result of this profligacy in the number of luxury cars lined up in his hospital’s car park.

While nurses have had to struggle on in an age of austerity with tightly controlled wage increases, many of their senior colleagues have been enjoying generous incomes.

Becoming a GP involves at least 10 years of study and training and those early years can be very demanding. No one begrudges these profession­als a decent income, reflecting their skills, but when the generosity of their taxpayer-funded income means they can regularly cut the hours they work it makes you wonder if the balance is out of kilter. Many of them are increasing­ly opting to retire early.

Just four per cent of female and eight per cent of male GPs expect to be working full time by the end of the next decade.

With us all living longer the financial demands on the NHS are spiralling ever upwards. We all need to play our part in responding to this new era of expanding costs. I applaud the Daily Express’s suggestion this week made by Dr Sarah Jarvis that patients who deliberate­ly miss appointmen­ts should pay a £5 fine. If we value our NHS we must treat it with respect.

BUT that cuts both ways and we have a right to demand that expensivel­y trained doctors repay society by putting in a fair degree of work. It is not for us to subsidise a more flexible “millennial” lifestyle that puts more pressure on the budget.

Many patients have responded to a lack of GP availabili­ty by going straight to A&E. Others are exasperate­d by the lack of out-of-hours access, especially over weekends. Maybe it is time to reorganise the NHS with less emphasis on GPs as the gatekeeper­s to our health care.

Online diagnostic­s may also be the future so we don’t have to see a doctor face to face. Whatever happens, it seems that the days of the family doctor who oversaw the health of generation­s is disappeari­ng.

‘More GPs are needed to fill up the weeks’

 ??  ?? DIAGNOSIS: On average general practition­ers work a three-and-a-third-day week
DIAGNOSIS: On average general practition­ers work a three-and-a-third-day week
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