Daily Express

17,000 demand axe for Coleen


PRESSURE is growing on ITV to sack Loose Women panellist Coleen Nolan after a petition demanding her removal from the hit show reached more than 17,000 signatures – following her explosive row with Kim Woodburn.

The broadcaste­r may have to act decisively to quell a fan revolt after the How Clean Is Your Home? co-host, who broke down in tears live when panellists appeared to mutter under their breath during the segment, backed the campaign too.

The Change.org petition – which aims to gather 25,000 signatures – states: “The treatment of Kim Woodburn by Coleen Nolan on Loose Women was outrageous and should be condemned. We demand Coleen Nolan is removed from the Loose Women panel indefinite­ly for her atrocious act of unprovoked bullying.”

Kim, 76, blasted: “I hope I never live to see the day when a human being in her 50s and her sister could mock a lady sobbing on TV. They should not be on that show. And I will do all I can to get them off it.”

But Coleen, 53, insists: “Anyone who knows me knows I’m not a bully. I wish I could go back in time and not do it.”

An ITV spokesman added: “Kim agreed to come on to the panel at the invitation of the producers on the understand­ing it was for a reconcilia­tion with Coleen. Kim becoming upset was never the intention and the panel did endeavour to comfort her.”

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