Daily Express

The Michel Barnier show lurches from tragedy to comedy

- MACER HALL Political Editor

MICHEL Barnier switches his demeanour as easily as an actor in ancient Greece swapping between the masks of tragedy and comedy. In his public pronouncem­ents, the EU chief negotiator seems to alternate from optimism to gloom and back again on an almost daily basis.

Given that changeable track record, his statement yesterday that a Brexit deal by November is “possible” caused few ripples in Whitehall.

“All summer it has been joy one day and disaster the next,” one insider said of the French-born diplomat’s musings.


If major obstacles remain in the path of an agreement, the pace of the talks has certainly picked up over recent weeks.

Officials close to the talks say more than 80 per cent of a potential deal has been agreed. The problem is the remainder includes the biggest headaches, including the issue of the Northern Ireland border and suitable post-Brexit customs arrangemen­ts.

Diplomatic sources say European leaders are increasing­ly concerned about Theresa May’s difficulti­es at Westminste­r in selling compromise proposals to her own backbenche­rs. With up to 80 Tory MPs threatenin­g to vote against her so-called “Chequers proposals”, leaders of the 27 other EU nations are beginning to appreciate how little room the Prime Minister has for manoeuvre.

Angela Merkel in particular is believed to be fearful that failure in the negotiatio­ns could lead to the Prime Minister being toppled. The German Chancellor is said to be worried that a change in Downing Street – with Mrs May replaced by possibly Boris Johnson or even Jeremy Corbyn – could make the talks even more difficult and increase the Euroscepti­c backlash among voters in many EU member nations.

Some diplomats speak of a “save Theresa” effort to shore up the Prime Minister by easing the path towards a deal. Mr Barnier is coming under pressure from his bosses to get the job done and quickly and cleanly as possible. His decision to put on the theatrical smiling mask yesterday should be seen in that context.

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