Daily Express

If older dads are OK, why slate me for baby at 54, argues Brigitte

- By Gillian Crawley

ACTRESS Brigitte Nielsen yesterday hit out at criticism for having a baby at 54 – when “no one raises an eyebrow” at fathers in their 90s.

The Danish star, previously married to actor Sylvester Stallone, gave birth to daughter Frida, her fifth child, in June.

Nielsen, now 55, and living in the US with husband Mattia Dessi, 39, started undergoing IVF treatment 14 years ago.

She said: “There’s definitely a double standard because it seems like men in their 60s, 70s, 80s and even 90s, they have children and no one raises an eyebrow.”

Five-times married Ms Nielsen told ITV’s Good Morning Britain: “I am maybe the oldest mother in America, it’s possible.

“People say ‘Well, why? Maybe you’re not alive in 20 years, is that the right responsibi­lity to have a little girl?’

“I think a child needs so much a mother but also so much a father. I wish I had a crystal ball. You do not know where you’re going to be in 20 years.” Ms Nielsen, whose other children are aged 23 to 34, added: “I do understand if people disagree and find it absolutely insane.

“When I was 30 and I heard someone was 54 and was pregnant I would probably have said, ‘Oh my God, I can’t believe they are doing that’. But I’m a mature woman, I’m like a good wine, it’s my life, I’m in the best time of my life. I’d love to tell all the women in their 30s, preserve your eggs, just in case you wake up one day, and you think, ‘Oh my God, I didn’t have a kid’, there is a chance.”

 ??  ?? Brigitte Nielsen cuddles baby daughter Frida after she gave birth in June and insists she’s happy to be a mother again for the fifth time
Brigitte Nielsen cuddles baby daughter Frida after she gave birth in June and insists she’s happy to be a mother again for the fifth time

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