Daily Express

Claire tipped to crown her Emmy with an Oscar

- By Gillian Crawley

ACTRESS Claire Foy and Ryan Gosling are over the moon about their latest film First Man, which is already being tipped as a frontrunne­r for next year’s Oscars.

The Crown star, 34, who last month got an Emmy for her portrayal of the young Queen Elizabeth II in the Netflix saga, looked stunning in a mustard yellow dress on the red carpet at the film’s US premiere in Washington DC on Thursday.

Gosling, 37, who received an Oscar nomination for La La Land in 2016, plays Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, and Foy is his wife Janet.

The film tells of Armstrong’s ambition to be part of the 1969 Apollo 11 moon landing mission and how it put pressure on their marriage.

There is already talk of a nomination for best supporting actress for Foy. She must be hoping for better luck at the Oscars parties than she got after the Emmy Awards.

Appearing on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon on Tuesday she revealed the security staff at one party wouldn’t let her in even though she was clutching her award.

Queer Eye star Jonathan Van Ness had to explain who she was. She said: “I was mortified.

“Jonathan was my knight in a white suit.” First Man opens in the UK on Friday.

 ??  ?? First Man star Claire Foy on the red carpet at the film’s US premiere and hugging 10-year-old child actor Gavin Warren, who plays the couple’s son Rick
First Man star Claire Foy on the red carpet at the film’s US premiere and hugging 10-year-old child actor Gavin Warren, who plays the couple’s son Rick

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