Daily Express


In an extraordin­ary interview to mark his 70th birthday, this was Prince Charles’ retort when asked if he would ‘meddle’ as king...

- From Richard Palmer Royal Correspond­ent in Lagos

PRINCE Charles has talked publicly for the first time about how he will be as king.

And he has vowed he will not “meddle” with matters of state when he wears the crown – insisting: “I’m not that stupid.”

Speaking on the understand­ing this is the only time he plans to address the subject, the heir to the throne said he will drop his lifelong habit of “meddling”

and wading into controvers­ies when he accedes to the throne.

Charles, who turns 70 on November 14, has given a groundbrea­king interview to be screened tonight in a BBC One documentar­y at 9pm to mark his milestone birthday.

He believes that while the Queen remains on the throne, he can continue to speak out but as soon as he becomes King that will all have to change.

He said: “I’m not that stupid. I do realise that it is a separate exercise being sovereign. So of course, you know I understand entirely how that should operate.”

Charles was speaking to a documentar­y crew who spent the best part of a year following him around to make perhaps the most intimate portrait of a senior member of the Royal Family for half a century.

He said: “You know I’ve tried to make sure whatever I’ve done has been non-party political, but I think its vital to remember there’s only room for one sovereign at a time, not two.

“So, you can’t be the same as the sovereign if you’re the Prince of Wales or the heir.

“But the idea somehow that I am going to go on exactly the same way, if I have to succeed, is nonsense because the two situations are completely different.

“You only have to look at Shakespear­e plays, Henry V or Henry IV Part 1 and 2, to see the change that can take place because if you become the sovereign, then you play the role in the way that it is expected.

“So, clearly I… I won’t be able to do the same things I’ve done you know as heir, so of course you operate within the constituti­onal parameters. But it’s a different function.”

Charles is the longest-serving heir to the throne in British history but while most people are winding down at 70, he is yet to start the job he has spent his life waiting to do.

However his wife, the Duchess of Cornwall, has insisted that the responsibi­lity does not weigh heavily on him.

She said: “His destiny will come, he’s always known it’s going to and I don’t think it does weigh on his shoulders at all.” In the past, royal aides have insisted that although Charles would have to change his language and behaviour as monarch, he might continue to use his “convening powers” to bring together politician­s, government officials and experts from around the world at, for example, a King’s Conference on global warming. In tonight’s interview – called Prince, Son and Heir: Charles at 70 – he played down continuing to use his convening powers but did concede it could happen if the Government agreed. He told the team behind the hour-long documentar­y: “Well you never know but you could only do it with the... with the agreement of ministers. That’s how it works.”

In fact, he told the documentar­y’s award-winning film maker John Bridcut that a succession of prime ministers, including Sir Alec Douglas-Home, Harold Wilson and Jim Callaghan had all encouraged him to take a keen interest in politics and public affairs as a young man.

But he admitted officials had been initially against one of his initiative­s for deprived young people.

Similar objections in the corridors of power have led to allegation­s of meddling. “Really? You don’t say,” he replied, laughing, when it was put to him for the documentar­y. “But I always wonder what meddling is. I mean I always thought it was motivating, but I’ve always been intrigued.

“If it’s meddling to worry about the inner cities as I did 40 years ago and what was happening or not happening there, the conditions in which people were living, if that’s meddling I’m very proud of it.”

Charles, who has won a reputation for ruffling feathers, suggested each Prince of Wales had to find his own way of doing things.

He said: “Each one of my predecesso­rs had to find out how they would go it, a lot of them dropped dead or were killed before they got very far.

“The Black Prince was the first one and he rushed about doing all the complicate­d bits and fighting battles while his father sat somewhere else.

“So you know he was busy winning his spurs, and in a sense that’s still what has to happen, I think.”

His elder son and heir, the Duke of Cambridge, has previously suggested that he sees the Queen as more of a role model than his father in his approach to royal duties.

But in an interview for tonight’s programme William said: “There are so many things I admire about my father: his work ethic, his passions, all that side of things.”

‘I’m not stupid. I realise it is a separate exercise being sovereign’ ‘If it’s meddling to worry about the inner cities...I’m proud of it’

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 ?? Pictures: EPA, GETTY, PA ??
Pictures: EPA, GETTY, PA
 ??  ?? Prince Charles strides out purposeful­ly as a young lad
Prince Charles strides out purposeful­ly as a young lad

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