Daily Express


- By Michael Knowles Home Affairs Correspond­ent

A WAR hero was yesterday fighting for life after he was brutally beaten up in his home by raiders.

Peter Gouldstone, 98, was found semi-conscious and bleeding by his son Simon on Tuesday.

The house had been ransacked and an old TV worth £20 was taken.

Simon Gouldstone, 67, condemned his father’s attackers. He said: “It was clear he had been beaten badly, he had bruises everywhere and was bleeding from his head.

“I don’t know how they can live with themselves.”

Police condemned the attack as “heartless and brutal”.

It is believed that attackers gained access from an alleyway next to the property in Enfield, north London.

Father-of-two Peter Gouldstone, who achieved the rank of Corporal, served in the Royal Corps of Signals during the Second World War.

He was recognised for “gallant and distinguis­hed service” including service in Italy.

The Royal British Legion said that Mr Gouldstone “served to give us the lives we enjoy today”.

Felicity Allen, of the Legion branch in nearby Southgate, said: “I think it’s absolutely disgusting what happened to that poor man – it is cowardly. For a 98-year-old man to be attacked in that way, it is beyond disgracefu­l. If it was not for Peter and the brave actions of others, we wouldn’t be here.

“Those responsibl­e should be caught and locked up.”

Son Simon told how he made the discovery. “A member of the public tipped me off and I rushed over there,” he said.

“I had a key for my dad’s house, but I had to force the door open as there was a chain. The place was so cold and quiet – then I found my dad lying on the floor beside his bed.

“The place was a mess – he was semi-conscious and he couldn’t speak or move, he was clearly agitated.

“I noticed the TV was gone but that was 10 years old, I did not see if anything else had been taken but there was nothing of real value in there.

“I am just shocked that someone could do something like this to such a vulnerable person. I hope that he can make it out of hospital.”

He added: “As a member of the family I’m shocked. As a member of the human race I’m lost for words at man’s inhumanity to man.

“The sooner they’re locked up the better.”

Mr Gouldstone has lived alone since his wife of 65 years, Joan, died around five years ago.

The sickening attack will further calls for age-related attacks to be made hate crimes – a campaign the Daily Express is pursuing as part of our Respect for the Elderly Crusade. The aim is to ensure thugs who prey on the elderly face longer behind bars.

The Law Commission is examining whether age and misogyny should be considered as hate crimes.

Police said a black Panasonic 26in TV was stolen from the house along “with a number of other items”.

Officers are keeping an open mind as to whether there was more than one attacker.

Detective Inspector Paul Ridley said: “This was a brutal and senseless attack on a vulnerable pensioner in his own home. The level of violence used was completely excessive. He was left helpless and seriously injured at the address all alone.

“If this member of the public had not intervened then it’s almost certain Mr Gouldstone would have succumbed to his injuries.” Neighbour Terry Garner, 68, said: “It’s terrible that they’re picking on elderly people, everyone has lived here quite a long time. We’re moving out of London because of things like this.”

THE brutal attack on 98-year-old war veteran Peter Gouldstone in his own home is beyond despicable. Tragically, it is not an isolated case. Violent crime against pensioners is at record levels, as the Daily Express has repeatedly pointed out in our crusade for respect for the elderly. Even criminals used to look up to their elders. Now cowardly thugs routinely see the old and vulnerable as easy targets.

In this case they have left a kind, gentle man fighting for life for a TV they would struggle to get £50 for. His street has been plagued by burglars while authoritie­s concentrat­e on hate crime.

How much more hateful can you get than violently robbing a man because he is unlucky enough to be old and frail? The sick thugs responsibl­e must feel the full weight of the law.

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 ?? Pictures: PA, SWNS ??
Pictures: PA, SWNS
 ??  ?? Peter Gouldstone in hospital yesterday. His home guarded, above, and, below, son Simon
Peter Gouldstone in hospital yesterday. His home guarded, above, and, below, son Simon
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