Daily Express


On the day Channel 5 announces its telethon for animal causes, one of the presenters tells CHRIS ROYCROFT-DAVIS why she feels so passionate about making it a success


CRUELTY to animals doesn’t stop at Christmas: the RSPCA is bracing itself for 1,800 calls a day over what’s supposed to be the season of joy, and other animal charities will be on full alert to rescue dogs, cats, donkeys and even hedgehogs. Their brilliant work needs two things: dedicated teams and a lot of money.

So this year, for the first time, five charities are joining forces to stage a telethon called Help The Animals At Christmas. The three-hour fundraiser will showcase the incredible work of the RSPCA in England and Wales, the Scottish SPCA, Blue Cross, The Donkey Sanctuary and the Wildlife Aid Foundation. As well as raising desperatel­y needed funds for the Christmas rescue work, the show will raise awareness of the threats animals face over the holidays and will tell the heart-breaking stories of pets that have needed rescuing and rehoming.

Teaming up with the five charities, across the night there will be special episodes of Channel 5 favourites, among them Ben Fogle’s New Lives In The Wild, Peter Wright and Julian Norton of The Yorkshire Vet, The Dog Rescuers with the cast of Neighbours and Jo Brand’s Kitten Rescue.

Presenters confirmed so far are Gaby Roslin, who hosted Children In Need for 11 years, comedian Susan Calman of Strictly Come Dancing fame and children’s TV star Michael Underwood. Gaby has appeared in a host of animal programmes including Predators, The Animal Awards, Crufts and Sport Relief’s Top Dog.

“The charities work their socks off at Christmas. I’m in awe of the people who work for them and the incredible things they do for animals,” she says. “Every penny we raise will help make such a difference. I feel very passionate­ly about animal welfare, so I was thrilled when they asked me to take part. In fact, I can’t look at an animal and think ‘You’re going to be made into a burger’, so I don’t eat meat.

“The programme is going to be a very positive one because as well as


telling everyone the truth about what they suffer, we’re also going to celebrate animals and the important part they play in our lives.

“It has become a cliché that a dog is not just for Christmas, but it is so true. So many people just abandon animals. I remember years ago hearing sounds coming from a bag in a stream and inside were some lovely kittens. How can anyone treat an animal like that? People who have seen me on Children In Need say ‘How can you be so vocal about animals?’ but I tell them that humans and animals go hand in hand. The abuse of either is dreadful, but anyone who can beat a dog can also beat a child. Both are disgusting.”

Gaby grew up surrounded by dogs, which her mother bred. “I had dogs all my life until I met my husband David,” she says. “Then I had to choose between him and the dog.”

She quickly adds that he’s highly The cold and frightened year-old terrier cross was found earlier this month in a box in a country lane near Runcorn, Cheshire. She had been dumped with her siblings, all of whom had died days earlier.

RSPCA inspector Lisa Lupson says: “It was one of the saddest sights I have witnessed. It must have been horrendous for her to be there all that time. She was so loyal to the others she just wanted to stay with them even though they were dead.”

Lisa rushed the dog to Manchester Animal Hospital and after loving care she is coming on leaps and bounds. When staff offered her a biscuit she wagged her tail for the first time – so they decided to name her Biscuit. allergic to dogs and cats: “My husband always feels a bit guilty when someone we know gets a new puppy because he knows that with puppies I’m the same way other people are with babies. I have to grab puppies for a cuddle because I can’t have them at home.”

THE five charities each contribute in slightly different ways. The RSPCA works round the clock to improve the welfare of pets, farm animals, lab animals and wildlife. This Christmas they expect to take in about 19,000 animals to add to the many already in care. The Scottish SPCA rescues abused, abandoned and injured animals north of the border and will have a team of vets on duty over the December holidays.

Blue Cross has been helping sick, injured and homeless pets nationwide since 1897. Help The Animals At Christmas will enable viewers to befriend pets in need and help change their lives. The Donkey Sanctuary, meanwhile, is the largest equine welfare charity in the world and has rescued thousands of donkeys and mules from lives of abuse and neglect. Tragically, the winter months are their busiest time of the year.

The fifth charity, The Wildlife Aid Foundation, are also rushed off their feet in the winter as they help sick, injured and orphaned wild animals who struggle in icy temperatur­es when food is short.

Help The Animals At Christmas is on Channel 5 on December 21. To join in the fund-raising, go to channel5.com/helptheani­mals


Last New Year’s Eve heralded a new start for this forlorn donkey in Northern Ireland, who had been neglected so badly that his long hooves had grown round so much they were almost touching his legs.

The pain was so bad that three-year-old Echo could hardly stand.

The local council seized Echo and put him in the care of The Donkey Sanctuary. Grooms worked hard to gain his trust and give him the care he needed.

When his hooves were trimmed – possibly for the first time in his life – he was like a different donkey, joyfully trotting round his new home at the sanctuary. Now he’s pain-free and happy and will spend Christmas warm, safe and in the company of other donkeys.

 ?? Picture: CHANNEL 5 ?? HELPING HAND: TV presenter Fogle
Picture: CHANNEL 5 HELPING HAND: TV presenter Fogle
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