Daily Express

FA appeal verdict on Jose


JOSE MOURINHO could yet face a touchline ban for using “abusive, insulting or improper” language after the FA appealed against the findings of an independen­t commission.

The FA were surprised when the independen­t regulatory commission found his case “not proven” after he swore into a camera following United’s last-gasp win over Newcastle on October 6.

And after considerin­g the written reasons for the commission’s decision to throw out the charge, the governing body decided yesterday to reignite the case.

Mourinho, right, had not disputed the fact he had used the words “vão levar no cu, filhos da puta” as he walked towards the tunnel at Old Trafford following a 3-2 win which relieved pressure on his position. But while the FA employed lip-reading experts who interprete­d the words to mean “**** off you sons of bitches”, Mourinho’s language expert countered in the context it instead meant “**** yeah” or “hell yeah”. The commission concluded: “We accept evidence that a typical person fluent in Portuguese colloquial­isms would not feel insulted or offended from what they saw or interprete­d from the footage.” But yesterday’s FA statement said: “Having carefully considered the written reasons of the independen­t regulatory commission we can confirm we are appealing the decision.” The new hearing is not scheduled until next week, so Mourinho will be in the dugout for the Manchester derby at the Etihad on Sunday.

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