Daily Express

Labour still divided on second vote


LABOUR’S policy on Europe was plunged into confusion yesterday when a senior member of Jeremy Corbyn’s team said Brexit could be halted after all.

Shadow Brexit secretary Sir Keir Starmer insisted a second referendum must still be an option.

Mr Corbyn said last week: “We can’t stop Brexit” and rejected calls for a second referendum.

However, both former PM Gordon Brown and London Mayor Sadiq Khan have talked about a second vote.

Sir Keir insisted the Labour leadership was fully signed up to the position agreed at the party’s annual conference in September. That included the option of another referendum, if an early general election could not be forced, adding:. “Brexit can be stopped.”


He said a decision would have to be made, first on the deal Theresa May brought back from Brussels. If that deal was voted down by MPs, the question would be should there be a general election.

Sir Keir said: “If there is no general election, all options must be on the table including the option of a public vote. Jeremy is signed up to it. I’m signed up to that.”

He insisted that although there were some “slightly different voices” in Labour, “everybody has coalesced” around a common position.

“We did agree all options remain on the table, including the option of a public vote.

“Neither Jeremy nor anyone else has altered that position, that is the position of the Labour Party,” he said.

 ??  ?? Sir Keir Starmer: ‘Halt Brexit’
Sir Keir Starmer: ‘Halt Brexit’

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