Daily Express

UK tourist dies after bite from a rabid cat in Morocco

- By Michael Knowles

A BRITISH holidaymak­er died from rabies after being bitten by a cat in Morocco because he or she was not treated until is was too late, it emerged yesterday.

The Briton fell ill in the UK after returning from North Africa.

Prompt medical care can cure people infected by rabid animals but injuries are fatal if left untreated.

Professor Jimmy Whitworth, of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said: “My understand­ing is that this is somebody who had contact with a cat that was behaving abnormally and sought care in Morocco and in the UK, but unfortunat­ely didn’t receive a vaccinatio­n until it was too late.


“I believe that the cat bit this person a few weeks ago.”

Public Health England has declined to reveal the gender and age of the tourist, or say where he or she died. But officials said there is no risk to the public.

Prof Whitworth said rabies symptoms usually take two to three months to develop. “But it can be only a week and that’s why seeking prompt care and getting vaccinatio­n is so important,” he added.

“We rely on postexposu­re vaccinatio­n... rabies vaccinatio­n is very effective in preventing the disease – as long as you give it early enough.”

Five British residents became infected with rabies after “animal exposures abroad” between 2000 and 2017, Public Health England said.

Dr Mary Ramsay, head of immunisati­ons at PHE, said: “If you are bitten, scratched or licked by an animal you must wash the wound or site of exposure with plenty of soap and water and seek medical advice without delay.”

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