Daily Express



ACROSS 1 Spotted dog (9) 7 Coercion (6) 9 Large or lively party (7) 10 Take care of (4) 12 Commander (abbr.) (3) 13 Put a plan or order into effect (7) 14 Rowing blade (3) 15 City in NW Italy (4) 17 Pamphlet (7) 19 Carved or cast figure (6) 20 Doorsill (9)

DOWN 1 Ruins (8) 2 Constant dull pain (4) 3 Hawaiian garland (3) 4 Recklessly bold or daring (9) 5 Stumble (4,2) 6 Stage whisper (5) 8 Having a jagged edge (8) 11 Relegate (6) 13 Our planet (5) 16 Vend (4) 18 Star sign (3)

 ??  ?? The Express Bookshop stocks a wide selection of puzzle books across all crossword puzzle genres. To obtain our up to date list please visit www.expressboo­kshop.com, call 01872 562310 or write to Express Bookshop, PO Box 200, Falmouth TR11 4WJ. Please enclose an SAE for return.
The Express Bookshop stocks a wide selection of puzzle books across all crossword puzzle genres. To obtain our up to date list please visit www.expressboo­kshop.com, call 01872 562310 or write to Express Bookshop, PO Box 200, Falmouth TR11 4WJ. Please enclose an SAE for return.

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