Daily Express

Blair bleats on yet again and calls for a 2nd referendum

- By Alison Little Deputy Political Editor

TONY BLAIR led renewed demands yesterday for a second referendum in a bid to cancel Brexit.

The former Labour prime minister said a vote was “the only way you are going to unite the country”.

There was “not yet” a majority in Parliament for it “but I think it will get there”.

He added: “It’s moving that way and I would be really surprised if the Labour party doesn’t end up supporting another vote – because there’s no other propositio­n that can get through Parliament.”

He said Theresa May’s deal with the European Union pleased neither Remainers nor Leavers and a so-called People’s Vote should propose a choice between leaving in “a proper Brexit, the sort that Boris Johnson wants,” or staying in.

He claimed both sides would welcome the chance to put their case on the basis of the actual Brexit deal and a new vote would resolve the issue “for a generation”. He added: “Whatever way we vote that’s it and I promise you this, that for people like me who voted Remain, if the country votes again to Leave I accept and I’ll get behind it and try and make it work.”

Last night, Labour insisted its policy of seeking to vote down Mrs May’s deal and force a general election remained unchanged and it would only consider other options including a referendum if that proved impossible.

It emerged last week that shadow chancellor John McDonnell met leaders of the People’s Vote campaign, including Mr Blair’s former spin doctor Alastair Campbell, at his Commons office.

Mr McDonnell said it was “simply to map out what options are available...which includes a public vote”.

In Brussels yesterday, Mrs May said: “We gave the choice to the British people, they voted, they voted to leave.”

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