Daily Express


TODAY: Wednesday December 12, 2018


43 years ago (1975)

Our front page reported MPs had rejected a bid to bring back hanging for terrorists by 361 to 232. Former PM Ted Heath, PM Harold Wilson and the London Police Commission­er were among those who argued reinstatin­g the death penalty would put more lives at risk. The vote was a consequenc­e of the six-day Balcombe Street siege in London when IRA gunmen took two hostages.

51 years ago (1967)

Rolling Stones guitarist Brian Jones had a nine-month jail sentence for possession of cannabis overturned by the Court of Appeal. Instead he was ordered to pay a £1,000 fine and was put on probation for three years.

24 years ago (1994)

Russian President Boris Yeltsin ordered troops into the rebel state of Chechnya. A 20-month war followed in which an estimated 100,000 people died. Vladimir Putin forcibly put down a second rebellion in 1999 and held a referendum to approve a new constituti­on giving the mainly Muslim state greater autonomy within the Russian Federation.

Six years ago (2012)

North Korea successful­ly launched its first satellite. The United Nations Security Council condemned the launch, regarding it as a violation of the ban on North Korean ballistic missile tests, as the rocket technology was the same.

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