Daily Express



HAD the PM stood by her word, you would now know the result of the scheduled vote on her surrender document. Sadly, in the timehonour­ed fashion of the grand old Duke of York, she turned her troops down the hill again.

The proposed deal would have been defeated – and quite right too. Presumably, despite all the bluster, that is why she pulled the vote. I have written some pretty harsh things about Mrs May but I hardly think the Brexiteer MPs have covered themselves with glory.

The Remainers have chosen a twin approach: to wear the electorate down through a long drawn-out process and to scare it silly about a no-deal scenario. The job of the Brexiteers was to counter that fear by explaining constantly and insistentl­y why no deal is not as bad an option as Project Fear And Hysteria would have us believe.

Instead they wasted months on end threatenin­g to get rid of the PM, boasting about getting enough letters to trigger a no-confidence vote, thereby neglecting the real task and in the process themselves wearing out the public’s patience with their sniping and failed coups. Even their resignatio­ns became predictabl­e and tedious. Yes, they have undermined Mrs May and yes, she deserves it – but what have they achieved?

Meanwhile, the Labour Party grows ever more extreme and Ukip is falling apart. Never have we been so comprehens­ively let down by our political leaders. The words bang, heads and together come to mind.

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