Daily Express

Get set for snow this weekend

- By News Reporter

UP TO eight inches of snow is set to fall this weekend with temperatur­es plummeting to below freezing across the UK.

A low pressure weather system developing in the Atlantic is set to clash with cold air across the UK, which could see rainfall turning to snow.

The Met Office said there was still uncertaint­y about how far the snow could extend into southern parts of England but a covering of between four and eight inches is predicted across the Scottish Highlands and northern England.

A Met Office spokesman said: “Across central and eastern parts it will be colder than average, looking at highs between four and six degrees by day. After dark, we’ll see temperatur­es hitting freezing tonight and then temperatur­es drop below freezing tomorrow.”

Central England and Wales could see overnight temperatur­es plummet to -7C (19.4F), forecaster­s said.

High winds are also expected to sweep across the country, reaching between 40 and 45mph.

Forecaster­s said the winds will ease tomorrow but pick up again over the weekend due to the low pressure system.

Forecaster­s said the North-east of England was likely to see adverse weather conditions due to the boundary of warm and cold air.

The Met Office is expected to issue initial warnings of rain, sleet and snow for affected areas today.

“We’ll see things turn a bit colder as we go through to the end of the week. Friday will be a cold day,” the Met Office said.

Looking ahead to the festive period, forecaster­s said the weather had the potential to be unsettled.

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