Daily Express

The EU’s federal empire is on verge of a total collapse

- Leo McKinstry Daily Express columnist

THE turmoil at Westminste­r has fuelled a mood of smugness among pro-EU fanatics. In their narrative, Brexit is portrayed as an inherently foolish project that was always certain to create a political mess. According to them, the only solution is to abandon withdrawal and submit once more to rule by Brussels.

But this analysis could not be more wrong. The real answer is for the Government to show more vigour and less hesitancy over Brexit. To allow the EU to reinforce its grip would be a disaster.

Such a move would not only subvert the outcome of the 2016 referendum, it would also shackle us to a failing institutio­n that is dismally run, ideologica­lly fixated, profoundly undemocrat­ic and increasing­ly unpopular. The Brexit difficulti­es of the British Government pale beside the colossal, selfinflic­ted problems of the Brussels federal empire.

On Tuesday, as the Prime Minister toured the continent in her bid to salvage her deal, she was presented with a united, grinning front from Europe’s leaders and the Commission President JeanClaude Juncker. But that image of serene harmony was an illusion. In reality, the EU is in deep trouble, broken by major splits and economic paralysis.

Nothing reflects that grim truth more graphicall­y than the nightmare engulfing President Macron in France. When he was elected last year, he was hailed as a charismati­c new leader who would revitalise his nation’s economy, as well as the grand European project of federal integratio­n, long the dream of the Brussels zealots.

HOW hollow those bold claims now sound. His quasi-imperial grandeur on the European stage has been exposed as nothing more than vainglorio­us posturing, as nationwide discontent grows against him. For weeks, there have been angry protests against his proposed fuel tax rises, introduced in the name of fighting climate change, while demonstrat­ions and strikes have also been mounted against other reforms.

So weakened is Macron’s position that he has been forced to retreat, announcing a desperate package of economic measures, worth around £12billion, to assuage public anger. But this attempt at appeasemen­t has only further undermined his authority.

Today he may be confronted in the French parliament by a motion of no confidence in his presidency, put forward by opposition parties. At the same time, his popularity continues to plummet. One recent poll gave him a satisfacti­on rating of just 23 per cent, the same level as that in 2013 for his socialist predecesso­r François Hollande, widely viewed as the most despised head of state in modern French history.

Macron was meant to be the youthful saviour of the federal cause. Instead, his spectacula­r failure is another blow to the European project, which is already embattled in several other arenas. The EU is locked in a titanic struggle against the Italian government that wants to introduce an expansion budget in defiance of Brussels’ fiscal regulation­s. The fact that EU bureaucrat­s think they have the right to veto a national budget shows how far sovereignt­y has been destroyed by federalist dogma.

It was revulsion at that kind of EU arrogance that brought a combinatio­n of the radical right League party and maverick Five Star Movement to power in Italy on a wave of populist fury.

Italian Deputy Premier Matteo Salvini called the single currency “a crime against humanity”, adding: “People like Juncker have ruined Europe and our country.”

The pattern of political meltdown is repeated throughout the EU. The Spanish government is battling against an insurgent independen­ce movement in Catalonia, which has sparked protests and road blockades. Last week the ruling coalition in Belgium collapsed, when the nationalis­t New Flemish Alliance withdrew support because of its hostility to pro-immigratio­n policies.

Further conflict can be found in Eastern Europe, where the democratic­ally-elected government­s of Poland and Hungary are indignant at perceived attempts by the unaccounta­ble EU to erode their constituti­onal rights.

All this uproar shows that Brexit is not an isolated case. It is part of a trend of public outrage at the EU’s ruling elite. A recent study revealed that, across Europe, one in four voters has backed a populist party in the last year. This mood is fed by accelerati­ng disillusio­n at the chronic failure of Brussels whose gross economic mismanagem­ent has been matched by contempt for democracy and the nation state.

E‘People like Juncker have ruined Europe’

VERYTHING is sacrificed on the altar of the integratio­nist doctrine, as shown by the single currency. The euro was always primarily a political tool to achieve unificatio­n, which is why the EU has been so determined to prop it up, no matter what the cost to living standards, debt and employment.

The same is true of the obsession with freedom of movement, which has been used as a weapon to smash traditiona­l national identities and create a new concept of European citizenshi­p. But many citizens feel they have paid a heavy price for this ideologica­l worship of open borders, through the loss of solidarity, the strain on public services and the import of violent crime, including terrorism.

The EU is an engine of ruination. It can only be sustained by bullying and oppression. That is why Britain must escape and embrace Brexit.

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CHAOS: French riot police have been sent onto the streets as protesters burn Paris
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