Daily Express

When nanny wraps best


HOW on earth does Kirstie Allsopp get away with it? She’s just revealed that she uses her sons’ nanny to wrap presents: if anyone else in the public eye said such a thing, they’d be laughed out of town.

But apart from the usual Twitter suspects, the country chuckles indulgentl­y and turns on the telly to watch her once more.

What this proves is that secretly we all love a posh girl. Good old Kirstie, bringing us some much-needed cheer. ❑

THERE was a row recently when a delegation from Easter Island visited the British Museum and called for its resident moai, one of the island’s stone torsos, to be returned. Now common sense has prevailed and the mayor of Easter Island has said the moai should stay in situ in London as it is the best place for it to be looked after.

Quite. Whenever Greece starts whinging about the Elgin marbles, it is always worth reminding them that were it not for Lord Elgin, in all likelihood those ancient Greek relics would be nothing but dust.

A NEW report from people with too much time on their hands says that James Bond was actually a rampaging alcoholic. Indeed, he had a “chronic” alcoholic use disorder according to the bods at University of Otago in New Zealand (me neither.) Shocking stuff but that’s not the half of it. Dig deeper into popular literature and you will find that Sherlock Holmes was a drug user. Alice in Wonderland’s Caterpilla­r was a chain smoker. Dark times.

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