Daily Express

Top slimmers take a bow-wow...and a miaow

- By John Ingham Environmen­t Editor

TWO portly dogs who piled on the pounds have been named joint pet slimmers of the year after losing a quarter of their body weight.

Borris, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, and labrador Sadie were crowned champs after following a sixmonth diet and exercise programme.

At the start of the contest, run by the PDSA animal charity, Borris weighed 4st 6lb – 85 per cent over his ideal weight – but after cutting out snacks and taking more walks, he lost 1st 2lb.

His owner, Annmarie Formoy from Deal in Kent, said she is “amazed” her dog has lost his voracious appetite which once saw him swallow her father’s false teeth and raid a cupboard full of chocolate Easter eggs.

The 46-year-old said: “In the past his belly used to be touching the ground and he would refuse to walk. Now he loves his walks – even when it’s raining, which he used to hate.

“The best part was the first time that I saw him taking his first few running steps. It made me want to cry, I was so happy. It’s been amazing.”

Sadie weighed in at 6st 9lb – 41 per cent over her ideal weight – but lost 1st 10lb to regain her love of walkies.

Her owner George Chaplin, 75, from Basildon, Essex, said: “She’s a totally different dog now and is so much happier. We go on two walks a day with a group of dog walkers. At the beginning of her diet she would waddle at the back of the group but now she bounds ahead and that’s great to see.”

The top cats in this year’s slimming contest were Pepsi Cola from Blackpool and Chester from East Lothian who both shed about 3lb. PDSA Vet Olivia Anderson-Nathan said: “Pet obesity is a growing issue that affects millions of UK pets. Around 40 per cent of dogs and cats in the UK are estimated to be overweight or obese.”

 ??  ?? A PDSA nurse strokes a once super-sized Sadie before the labrador started fighting the flab to become a champion pet slimmer
A PDSA nurse strokes a once super-sized Sadie before the labrador started fighting the flab to become a champion pet slimmer
 ??  ?? Borris the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel could only waddle when he was overweight but now enjoys long walks in the park
Borris the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel could only waddle when he was overweight but now enjoys long walks in the park
 ??  ?? Pepsi Cola from Blackpool is no longer a fat cat after cutting down on her meals
Pepsi Cola from Blackpool is no longer a fat cat after cutting down on her meals
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