Daily Express

Al Qaeda is ‘back and plotting to bomb jets’

- By John Ingham Defence Editor

TERROR group Al Qaeda is planning a comeback 9/ll-style atrocity, experts warned yesterday.

Security Minister Ben Wallace said the resurgent extremists see aviation as a “blue riband” target after the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon.

Mr Wallace warned that Al Qaeda is keeping ministers “awake at night” over its renewed campaign.

Intelligen­ce has revealed that the group is developing technology, including miniaturis­ed bombs or drones packed with explosives, to bring down passenger jets.

Al Qaeda is also looking for new ways to beat airport security by recruiting insiders as would-be jihadis.

Mr Wallace said the group had not gone away and now wanted to announce itself as the top Islamic terror group ahead of IS.

He said: “Al Qaeda sat quietly in the corner and tried to work out what the 21st century looked like, while Isis [IS] became the latest terrorist boy band, but they have not gone away.

“They have reorganise­d. You’re seeing Al Qaeda appear in areas we thought were dormant.”

Mr Wallace, who said 13 Islamist terror plots have been thwarted in Britain since March 2017, told a newspaper: “The aviation threat is real.


“Aviation is still a blue riband event for these terrorists.

“Al Qaeda are resurgent. They have reorganise­d. They are pushing more and more plots towards Europe and have become familiar with new methods and still aspire to aviation attacks.”

Al Qaeda could become a natural bolthole for jihadis fleeing IS, which evolved from the group in the first place.

Mr Wallace said: “They have explored other ways of getting bombs on planes. We’ve talked publicly about an insider threat issue.

“If you can’t get in the front door, you’re going to try to get in the back door.”

Al Qaeda is thought to be keen on using drones to deliver bombs – a tactic used in Syria and Iraq by IS.

UK security raids carried out on terrorists found sketches of drones designed to deliver bombs.

Mr Wallace said: “In 2019 we should be alert to Al Qaeda. They are re-energising some previous links and support and their ambition towards aviation is real.”

Ministers have invested £25million in Home Office and Department for Transport research on protecting planes “from new chemicals, different methods of explosion and insider threats”.

Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson has told Allies to “keep their foot on the throat of IS” after President Donald Trump said he is pulling all US troops out of Syria and 5,000 troops from Afghanista­n.

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