Daily Express

Ban factory owners in UK from moving jobs abroad


ONLY those who have experience­d the bitter bite of redundancy can acknowledg­e how it damages not only the worker but the families concerned. It has happened to me.

Misery, feelings of loss and regret, missing workmates, anger that your efforts have come to nothing. Devotion showed over 30 years or more: the days you went in sick and the times you stayed late, all thrown back in your face. The tears and the courage needed to set out again seeking work.

Britain’s greatest days were when we had huge manufactur­ing factories, exporting to the world.

Laws need to be passed preventing factory owners moving their workforce overseas.

President Donald Trump is doing this and has become very popular with unemployed factory workers in the US.

My heart goes out to those at Jaguar Land Rover who are at risk of being pushed out into the cold – all in the name of profit.

Barry Carroll, London

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