Daily Express

Sues over ‘sex pest boss’


I would have been all over you” at a nightclub in Madrid.

He then stood “inappropri­ately and intimidati­ngly” close to her and said: “You do not understand, I'm so much older than you. I know more about sex. I can teach you a lot of things.”

Mr Michel-Verdier is also said to have messaged her his hotel room number so “we could have some fun” on the same night in March last year, which was organised to celebrate the closing of a deal.

Miss Abildgaard, originally from Denmark, was said to have sought medical treatment for stress and anxiety after the incident. Employment Judge Graeme Hodgson laid out Miss Abildgaard's claims of harassment, unfair dismissal and victimisat­ion at the Central London Employment Tribunal yesterday.

In addition to comments and text messages on the night out in Spain, Miss Abildgaard alleges she was the victim of harassment when Mr MichelVerd­ier tried to call her twice in the early hours of March 17.

On March 19, Miss Abildgaard said she was approached by her boss at work and he said to her: “Good night out Friday, I was so drunk I missed my flight out on Saturday.”

He is also said to have sent her a message on April 11 after her resignatio­n, saying: “Good luck for your new endeavour (now we can meet).”

The claim of unfair dismissal relates to “the first respondent failing to take reasonable steps to stop the second respondent carrying out the acts of harassment identified”.

The hearing was briefly adjourned to discuss whether the victimisat­ion claim would proceed as it is the subject of a civil claim.

The judge said that relates to IFM making an “unjustifie­d and aggressive threat” to approach Miss Abildgaard's new employer.

The hearing continues.

 ??  ?? Frederic Michel-Verdier yesterday
Frederic Michel-Verdier yesterday

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