Daily Express


The TV presenter and novelist tells RICHARD BARBER about her #MeToo moment, touring with Calendar Girls and cheating death


YOU could never accuse Fern Britton of resting on her laurels. The former This Morning presenter has been a TV regular for almost 40 years now. She has written eight works of fiction – the latest, The Newcomer, is published early next month – and she will soon be working on her ninth.

She is putting together an idea for a possible documentar­y too and – a new departure, this

– a musical.

Perhaps the latter project was prompted by the fact she is currently in the musical version of Calendar Girls, a show based on the true story of a group of middle-aged members of the Women’s Institute who posed nude for charity.

We are sitting in her dressing room in the Theatre Royal, Norwich, where Fern and the rest of the gang are performing the show as part of a tour that began in Leeds last August and finishes in Oxford in April.

One bonus of her part as the chair of the local Women’s Institute is that, unlike the rest of the female cast, she is not required to get her kit off.

Would she have accepted a role that required nudity? “I would now that I’ve seen the way it’s handled. It’s very discreet and very funny. And the male stagehands at each theatre are so respectful. There are a lot of breasts running around in high heels but the boys always look the other way.”

Men were not always so wellbehave­d, of course.

She said: “Women of my generation long ago got used to being taken for granted when it came to inappropri­ate behaviour. I remember doing a show when I worked for TVS [a former regional ITV franchise]. I was in a lift with a man I’d just interviewe­d.

“He suddenly jumped me and started snogging me. I asked him what on earth he thought he was doing. But it didn’t seem to shame him into stopping.”

She adds: “The fact remains that the most privileged person on the planet is still the white male.

“But unless they can feel as uncomforta­ble as single women do walking home at night in the dark or getting into a taxi alone, there’s always going to be that gap in understand­ing.

“Is the pendulum beginning to

swing in the other direction? Yes, but there’s a long way to go.”

The other thorny issue of the day, the gender pay gap, is something she is often asked about.

It was said that when she and Phillip Schofield were co-presenting This Morning and the quiz show, Mr & Mrs, he was paid more. So how does she feel about it today?

“Of course people should be paid the same amount for doing the same job,” she says, firmly.

“On the other hand, I always felt I was paid too much. I couldn’t really have cared less what Phillip got and I never knew how much that was.

“I was getting more than enough and very grateful I was, too.”

AT 61, she has come late to acting – but you don’t have to immerse yourself too deeply in the gene pool to trace the source. Her father, the actor Tony Britton, is 94 and living in Denville Hall, the retirement home for entertaine­rs, in Middlesex.

“He’s fine, he’s happy and physically fit, if rather forgetful now.”

Fern barely knew him as she was growing up. “Only relatively recently did I discover that he and my mother had separated before I was even conceived,” she says. “Then he came home to see my mum and my older sister, Cherry, and suddenly I was on the way. But it meant she brought me up single-handedly.

“It was all rather bewilderin­g. Very occasional­ly, this glamorous, handsome figure would turn up smelling of expensive aftershave – it must have driven my mother potty. It was always a treat to see him, but it was also a bit emotionall­y charged.”

She also has a half-brother Jasper, Tony’s son with his second wife, who has become a noted Shakespear­ean actor.

But, throughout her childhood, no one told Fern of Jasper’s existence. “To this day, I can’t explain why.

It was my parents’ business, not mine, but they never felt able to tell me their reasons.”

At 18, tipped off by Cherry, Fern turned up at her father’s house.

Jasper, by then 14, must have known his older half-sister was coming.

“He opened the front door and his first words to me were, ‘I’ve had to scrub myself with Vim to meet you’. It made us both laugh and we’ve got on from that day to this.” Sadly, Fern’s adored mother, Ruth, died last April.

“I’m still processing the grief. She’s still very present. I talk to her all the time. I looked out of my hotel room today and a bus went past with an advert for Calendar Girls. My instinctiv­e reaction was to wonder what she would have made of that.” It was big news when it was revealed that Fern had had a gastric band fitted to lose weight (“Oh, please, can we move on from that?”). But she now keeps in trim by running with cast members in local parks. And, next year she is doing a charity bike ride, this time from Land’s End to John O’Groats. Whatever money she raises will go to a charity dedicated to research into sepsis – and with good reason.

In 2017, just before her 60th birthday, Fern had a hysterecto­my. Within a week, when the pain had become intolerabl­e, she called her local surgery.

“It felt like I was having contractio­ns, but the doctor refused to ring for an ambulance. Luckily the receptioni­st intervened and there were paramedics at my house.”

She was whisked off to Stoke Mandeville hospital, just hours from death with her abdomen full of abscesses. “I thought I was going to die. As it turned out, the E.coli which had got into my system – and it’s still not known when or why – was infecting every cell in my body.

“I got pneumonia and my lung collapsed. Then my liver went and they were worried about my heart.

“So I got more ill before I got better. But I remember the day I turned a corner.” Her daughter, Winnie, 17, from her second marriage to TV chef Phil Vickery, came in with a bag of McCoy’s grilled steak crisps.

“And I really fancied one. It took 20 months, though, before I felt absolutely myself again.”

She says she is pretty tired as a result of the tour but she is on cracking form and appears relaxed.

She has spoken in the past about “the black dog of depression” that has dogged her down the years.

Where is it today? “In kennels,” she says. “I used to hear the occasional whimper in the night but not for a long time. Ever since the menopause I seem to have calmed down. I feel much more peaceful.

“And I have more time these days to savour the many good things in my life. So yes, I’m happy to say I look forward with hope.”

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 ??  ?? CHARITY: Fern on a bike ride in 2015
CHARITY: Fern on a bike ride in 2015
 ??  ?? RELAXED AND AT PEACE: Fern Britton now has ‘time to savour the good things in life’; inset, as a baby with her parents, actor Tony and Ruth; below, with the Calendar Girls cast
RELAXED AND AT PEACE: Fern Britton now has ‘time to savour the good things in life’; inset, as a baby with her parents, actor Tony and Ruth; below, with the Calendar Girls cast
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